
Oh, the Holidays!

Last night I was reminded why I never want to be out in the stores this close to Christmas. Everyone is bloody M-A-D! My cousin and I went to the mall to return a few items and to say hello to a friend. Worst mistake ever! I can not believe the jack asses who will cut people off, or tailgate, or honk or flip others off. It’s amazing. I even saw one person last weekend get out of their car and yell to the person in front of them while at a stop light. Come on people! Tis the season! Is it the pressure or something? People freak out because they have to be here and there…I thought that was all part of the Christmas times. Take a Prozac or something!

I never thought I would say this, but after last night I wish the Utah drivers would start driving the way they always do.


Guereca Family said...

ahhh...the spirit of Christmas :)

Trent said...

ahhh yes that was a good time. im sure glad we didnt die!