
The Sick Remedy

Being sick is the worst. I don't know about you, but I sit around all day praying to find the strength to get out of bed, and do something productive. I especially hate missing work and school while sick. I'd rather be faking it and doing something more fun with my free time.

There are some upsides to being sick though. I like to call it Rachel's sick remedy. It involves a classic romantic comedy. Today's choice is It's Complicated.

Along with a lot of coke and sprite to drink, lots of medication, and two adorable dogs to snuggle with while waiting for the husband to come home.

What are your sick remedies? I might keep your ideas!


Journal Love

Last night was the first night Brandon was home after starting his new driver position at UPS. Have I mentioned that? I have a husband who comes home at night and fixes me dinner so I don't starve. Since the beginning of Rachel + Brandon time we have never hung out on the weeknights because he is always working. Now that has all changed, and I like it.

While he was sleeping his life away I decided to write in my journal. I've kept one since I was 12 I think. To me it's very important to document your life, and be honest about it. Especially since after my mom died the journal she had was supa lame (sorry mom). She would have like one entry per year. Not kidding.

This is going off on some sort of strange tangent, but I had a really quirky title and idea of what to write on my blog last night. Of course that thought didn't come to me until 11:30 at night, and I can't seem to recall all that wittiness I came up with then. Why am I always coming up with creative and genius ideas in the middle of the night?

Anywho I was writing in my journal as to keep myself entertained and not wake up the husband. Then it hit me - I have WAY too many journals right now. I have my own personal journal, a marriage/love journal, and a dog journal. Yeah, I said it - a dog journal!

So I spent over an hour and a half writing in each one. Its all a haze really, I don't have the slightest idea of what I wrote in any of them. I guess I am obsessed with writing things down, it might come in handy one day.

Am I the only one out here in blog world that journals a lot, but still considers herself hip and cool and never uses the sentence "I'm going home to journal" even though she sort of wants to?

Anyone? Anyone?


Strut Your Mutt 2011

Strut Your Mutt was above and beyond what I was expecting last weekend. Brandon and I woke up early to get to the park so we could check in. I think Reggie and Frankie were more excited then I was!

We quickly met up with our team Utah Friends of Basset Hounds who were at the front of the start line. It was easy to find them considering all the basset hounds howling.

The walk was great. Everyone walked around the park in unison. I had a lot of time to think about how Brandon and I accomplished a lot by raising $390 and being around people who felt as passionately as I did. It was a rare moment in time where I felt like I was doing exactly what I should be doing - especially for a very special cause that doesn't get enough recognition. Once the walk was over, because we raised a certain amount of money we were able to go to the VIP area, which was fabulous!

We had breakfast

The boys got pedicures

We even had a pet physic that did a reading on Reggie and Frankie. It was very interesting. I was told Reggie is thankful that I put ice in his water (which I've done for years - and everyone made fun of me for it). She also said Frankie was glad to be in a forever home. Along with a lot of other silly things. I have to say I was impressed, it was a good time.

Most importantly we relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful day.

I can't thank everyone enough for the donations, love, and support we had. Thank you for helping me do something very important. Rest assured I'll be doing the same thing all over next year.

Everyone was just a little tired after all was said and done.



I may or may not love the experience of having/getting a tattoo. And when I say may or may not... I mean I do love it. A lot.

Dumb questions people ask me:

  • Did it hurt? Yes - its a needle going into my skin over and over again, it hurts.
  • Why behind the back of the ear? Um, because I wanted to. Also, it is easy to hide if needed.
  • Is that a bone? Yes
  • Is it because you like dogs? Yes, you could say that.

I hate trying to explain why I got the tattoo or what it means to me. Because most people won't get it, and already judge because it is a tattoo.

But I love it, and it is apart of me now. Which is pretty awesome.


Dear Mom,

Well obviously I miss you. The farther time passes after I saw you last, the more lost for words I am on what to write you. This is silly to me, because if we were talking on the phone right now I'd probably have a million things to tell you about.

I sort of feel awkward writing you letters. I'm not exactly sure why either.

The other night while I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, Frankie was in the crook of my arm drooling and snoring. It was such a beautiful moment. I felt like I was looking for him my entire life, just like I do with Reggie. So I laid there staring at the ceiling wondering how I got to this point. Then I thought of you. And I was sad. Sad of course that you are not around, and sad that I couldn't introduce Frankie to you.

Then I thought to myself. Well he was born a year ago, which was after you died - so I am sure you have met him. Maybe a year and a half ago you were laying down with him in the crook of your arm listening to him snore and drool.

I smiled a big huge gigantic smile. In the dark. By myself. (well, with the dogs obviously)

That was a silly image in my head, so I had to smile about it. I was telling Ron on Mother's Day this year that I don't really cry about you too much anymore. I think it is because I am busy with so many other things, that I don't give myself the luxury to sit around eating bon-bons and licking my wounds over you passing. I do still think about you. Every day. I hope you think about me.

I'll come up with something better to write next time, promise.




Working Hard for the Money

Lets get one thing straight I absolutely hate asking for money - hate it! Ever since I was 17 I always paid my bills and never, not even once, asked my parents for money. It was the way I was raised I guess. You just worked hard, got the money, and spent it wisely.

Now I find myself asking for money, and Lordy it is awkward. I decided this year one of my goals was to be more active in what I am passionate about, which is working with animals of course! So when I got the opportunity to walk in efforts to stop homeless pets in Utah, I was all about it. Strut Your Mutt is a fundraising walk with dogs done once a year to raise money to help No More Homeless Pets in Utah.
Ever since I started it up every person I walk into I'm like "Have you heard I'm fundraising for Strut Your Mutt?" "My goal is to raise $300, you should sponsor me!"

And people - I feel like a damn fool. However, I've decided to embrace it. I never ask for money so when I do, it is for something damn good. So good that I am willing to whore myself and my dignity (just a little bit).


Go HERE and click sponsor me to donate money. Anything helps.

Also, don't hate me for being one of "those" people. After May 21st I'll be back to my non-begging self.