
Here We Go Again...

Our beloved Stephenie Meyer is coming out with a spin off book of the Twilight series. [insert screaming 14-year-old-girls here]

It is about Bree Tanner, which all of you Twi-Hards are well aware of as being the new vampire killed in Eclipse. Stephenie writes a little more about it here.

I'd like to say that I could be the bigger person with all of this. That I'm not going to be the crazy fan, waiting in line at midnight for my copy. But lets face it, thats not going to happen.

June 5th! Get here faster!


Color Fest '10

Haven't heard about the Festival of Colors yet? You can learn more about it here.

This year was better then the last! I had such a great time getting together with a bunch of my friends and family, brining in the spring the way it should be done!

My sister Alyssa and one of my brothers Jon came for the first time. It was very cool to see all of it through their eyes, and of course I love having new experiences with them.

Before we go on, please take note some of these pictures are from the great Brandon Wilde. Make sure to have a look at his photo blog. The pictures make me speechless.

Alyssa Jon Me before the madness

Bring on the colors!



Me and Brittni

My amazing future sister-in-law Amelia

The future Mr. and Mrs. Coatney

Allison, Brittni, Me, Trent

The sexy Brandon

Alyssa, Jon, Me, Amelia

KaraLee, Jen, Me, Brittni. The original 2009 color fest crew.

The best picture of KaraLee and myself to date.

The engaged people

More love stuff...

This year I didn't even look like myself with all the colors! Somehow I end up getting the worst of it. How does that happen?

Had a great time, with great people, with great weather, with great colors!


It's True

My best friend is getting married. It didn't really hit me until I was going to her bridal showers this weekend. Are we old enough for this Tobler?

At least I had a good time giving this to her...

Did I mention it was in front of all her in-laws?



To Whom It May Concern

Dear Sandra,

Ditch the two-timing husband. You are too sexy, talented, kindhearted, funny, and interesting to be waisting your time on someone who can't see that for themselves. Don't make the same mistake as Tiger's wife. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Oh, and while we are at it - please make another romantic comedy soon ok?

Dear Body,

Get it together already! We have lots of plans this weekend, and I'll be needing you in top condition. Don't worry there will be plenty of time to sleep next week with the break from school.

Dear GaGa,

Come to Salt Lake City. I promise to be extra slutty for you.

Dear Future In-Laws,

Sorry about the slutty lesbian talk just then.

Dear True Blood,

I'm looking forward to our date in June. It's been too long, and I'm terribly thirsty.

Dear Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple,

Get ready for me and the gang. We are coming with some colors, and vengeance! By the time we are done with you, you'll be a pink, green, yellow, and purple mess!

Dear Alexander McQueen,

Thank you for designing these...

Now if only I could get my hands on them.

Best regards,


Wedding Planning 101

I'm starting to find this post more and more hilarious, especially since I actually have a wedding to plan. I'm going to take my own advice, and make sure to avoid those mistakes. I thought I'd bore you with plans I have so far.

The theme is southern/vintage with a modern twist. The South has always been a part of my life thanks to my southern mother and South Carolina family. I want to make sure my moms presence is not just present, but surrounding everyone there. What can I say? The South feels like home.

The colors are chocolate brown, aqua, coral, and orange.

You feel me?

I plan on having some type of dessert bar. Although the details of that are still in the works.

The flowers will be lots and lots of gerbera daisies.

The cake - well, I've found the perfect cake. But I can't show you all the details now can I?

I've started looking around for venues, which is not fun. Some places straight up screw you over with money if you are not paying attention. One of the venues I was looking at had a policy that if you didn't buy your cake through one of their vendors, a $75.00 cake cutting fee would be applied with bringing your own. Who the hell charges a "cake cutting fee"? I feel doomed.

Luckily I have a lot of man (and woman) power behind me. The wonderful Ashley has stepped up to be my wedding planner, my designated mom Angel will be my florist, Michael Wiltbank will be my photographer, and Cannon just might be my venue coordinator (assuming I pick his place for my wedding). With all of their help I feel like I can't go wrong. That day must be fabulous (or someones head might roll... ha).

September seems so close and far away. Until then, I'll keep myself occupied with wedding details and my hot fiancé.


Picture of the Day

The boy on the far left kills me.


Dear Mom,

If you were alive today, I'd bring you Twix and a Pepsi. Why? Because I feel like it. I feel like just coming over to the house and bringing you some candy and a drink. I'd like to think you'd be there wiping down the kitchen counter. I'd pull up a bar stool while watching you cut off the caramel and chocolate off of the twix. I'd tell you all about the upcoming wedding plans, and how I'm not sure how I'll pull it off on my own. And while I'd listen to your amazing advice, I'd be eating the discarded caramel and chocolate. Lets be honest, I'd probably have a sip of that Pepsi too.

Today you feel very vivid in my mind, and I'm going to take that as a major blessing. It almost feels like if I called the house, you'd answer. Almost.

I love you with everything I am,



Friends Forever

Meet my new best friend.

I seriously cannot believe I am walking around with this bad boy on.

These pictures do not give the ring justice. What-so-ever! It is best looking thing I've ever laid my eyes on. When we went shopping around for rings, I picked out a top three choices I liked. The funny part was I kept telling Brandon I wanted something simple. Once we saw this ring though, I instantly fell in love. And really, how could you not?

So, welcome to my crazy life ring! I am excited for the many adventures and years we will have together. Till death do we part.


The Jig is Up

Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday was a normal Sunday. Brandon and I went to watch Remember Me (excellent movie by the way), did a little shopping, then went home. I suggested we make some dinner, and he told me he had it under control. So while I sat downstairs, Brandon made us dinner. Then while setting the plates and getting everything together I sat down. And before I knew it Brandon brought out a white box from his pocket. I was totally blindsided. I thought for sure he would do something more cheesy and I'd sniff him out. I was so shocked I believe the words "Brandon, don't do this to me!" may or may have not slipped out of my mouth. He said his words (that frankly I'm not sure I remember them all, none the less it was beautiful) and asked me to marry him.

"Uh, yes! I will marry you!"

After which I broke out into tears, and put the ring on my finger. I never had a chance to try his dinner, I couldn't eat after that. The rest of the night was spent seeing close family and friends, and trying to not freak out the entire time.

I am engaged
I am engaged
I am engaged

Hopefully I will get use to it after some practice.

[Stay tuned - ring pictures to come shortly]

P.S. For all of you that feel unsatisfied over my story. Head over Brandon's blog and read his post about it. He has always had a better way with words than I.


Future Companions

Would you believe it that very high on my bucket list is to own each of these dog breeds before I die?

Bull Terrier

Chinese Shar-Pei


Doberman Pinscher

German Shepherd

Great Dane

Minature Pinscher


Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pit Bull Terrier




VT Woes

I have my on and off days when it comes to school. I guess you could call it a love and hate relationship. Does anyone else often wonder if what they are going to school for is the right choice? I probably sound like a broken record. However, after being over a year at this school I am starting to get the hang of things. This week I was able to draw blood from a puppy and not bat an eye lash.

People - I did it all by myself.

So maybe this is the right thing for me. School isn't so bad after all. Especially when I get to play with baby bunnies


March in Utah

This is what Utah looks like today.

I have to admit it is beautiful outside, but this doesn't change how displeased I am about snow in March.