
The Jig is Up

Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday was a normal Sunday. Brandon and I went to watch Remember Me (excellent movie by the way), did a little shopping, then went home. I suggested we make some dinner, and he told me he had it under control. So while I sat downstairs, Brandon made us dinner. Then while setting the plates and getting everything together I sat down. And before I knew it Brandon brought out a white box from his pocket. I was totally blindsided. I thought for sure he would do something more cheesy and I'd sniff him out. I was so shocked I believe the words "Brandon, don't do this to me!" may or may have not slipped out of my mouth. He said his words (that frankly I'm not sure I remember them all, none the less it was beautiful) and asked me to marry him.

"Uh, yes! I will marry you!"

After which I broke out into tears, and put the ring on my finger. I never had a chance to try his dinner, I couldn't eat after that. The rest of the night was spent seeing close family and friends, and trying to not freak out the entire time.

I am engaged
I am engaged
I am engaged

Hopefully I will get use to it after some practice.

[Stay tuned - ring pictures to come shortly]

P.S. For all of you that feel unsatisfied over my story. Head over Brandon's blog and read his post about it. He has always had a better way with words than I.


Carrot said...

Oh no! The first in a long list of blog posts that have the "marriage" label! I'm so stinking excited for you both!!! Congrats!!!

Brandon Wilde said...

Nonsense! Your blog is much more eloquent than mine. Love you.

MaryPosa said...


that is freaking awesome.

As are you.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...


Shannon said...


Heather said...

Congratulations!! I am so excited to have a new sister-in-law:) Now I can finally start planning the bridal shower!!:) It was so cute that he surprised you and you didn't figure it out:) That is always the best when you don't expect it!! I would have never guessed I had such a romantic brother!!:)

Trent said...

can i just mention again how happy i am for you? congratulations! yay yay yay!

HaLaine said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! CONGRATS!!

Shawn said...

CONGRATS! CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you!!

Can't wait to see it when I come out next time in June!!