
As of Today

Today I am completely confused on what is going on with Lost. Anyone else in that boat? I'm starting to think they won't be able to answer all the questions and we will all look like fools by the end of it. Total chaos, but I can't take my eyes away from it. And for the record I love Sayid and Ben. I don't care what they've done.

Today I wish my co-workers would stop giving me the third degree about marriage/kids. It seems like every day now they have something to say about how I need these things in my life. The advice they give me is ridiculous. I'm sure that every relationship and marriage is unique. Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it is going to work for me. Also, I doubt slipping an energy pill to your wife every day will eventually make her have sex with you more often, just sayin'. And yes, one of my co-workers really does that.

Today I am wishing it was summer. Full blown out summer. Where I can wear shorts and flip flops everyday. Where I could go to baseball games just to get a good tan, and grill almost everything I eat. While we are at it, can I wish it was full blown out summer and I was on vacation somewhere amazing?

Today is Wednesday. And to quote the BT "I don't know how I feel about Wednesday. It always feels very routine and boring." Enough said.

Today I've admitted to saying these things throughout the last week...

"Imma beat that universe with my belt - see how it likes that!"
"You think your children will become valuable to society? I say it is too early to tell"
"I think everyone needs one of me, except me"
"When things get too country... I want out!"
"Close your eyes, find your inner child, and beat the crap out of them!"
"I'd take a dog over a baby every second, of every hour, of every day, of every month, of every year."

Today I am going to the gym. I hate and love that all at the same time.

Today I feel like I actually got some rest last night. However lets hope that next time I will set my alarm and wake up when I'm supposed to. Oops.


Heather said...

The energy pill thing? What the crap, man? I mean, the fact that he even does it is questionable enough in itself, but then discussing it with coworkers? What a tool.

Oh, and I toootally agree about the advice stuff. So many people tried to offer me advice before Josh and I got married, and it usually just served to make me more confused and questioning. You have to just figure out what works for you, what is right for you, and try to tune everyone else out. I think you're doing great.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

Sayeed? HOT! Ben? no. don't feel pressured to get married or have kids. . . . you'll know when it's right for you. (at least with the marriage thing.. the kids thing? who knows!) ;)

Brandon Wilde said...

I forgot to set my alarm today too, but my whiny cats woke me up before too much time was lost anyway.