
The Sick Remedy

Being sick is the worst. I don't know about you, but I sit around all day praying to find the strength to get out of bed, and do something productive. I especially hate missing work and school while sick. I'd rather be faking it and doing something more fun with my free time.

There are some upsides to being sick though. I like to call it Rachel's sick remedy. It involves a classic romantic comedy. Today's choice is It's Complicated.

Along with a lot of coke and sprite to drink, lots of medication, and two adorable dogs to snuggle with while waiting for the husband to come home.

What are your sick remedies? I might keep your ideas!


Amelia said...

Sounds like a good remedy! Hope you feel better soon!

Heather said...

I hope you feel better soon!! I hate being sick! At least you can relax and watch movies without being interupted:)

Jo said...

I always wish I'd get sick so I can stay home...and then when I do it's the worst. Take a bath!! That's the best sick remedy!