Since Brandon works nights, we decided to celebrate Valentine's day the Saturday before. I think Valentine's day should always be on the weekend, who has time to celebrate it on a Monday?
Brandon left me some beautiful calla lilies (sorry for the lack of picture) on Friday night with a little note getting me excited for the next day when our date was.
Before we go on, lets mention I am not very good with surprises. I am sort of a control freak, and don't like it when I don't know where we are going. But alas, I must trust the Husband sooner or later right? I woke up the next morning and we set off for our date... which ended up being at the ZOO!

Going to the zoo always gets my blood pumping. I can't help it that I love animals so much! When we get there a lady meets up with us and says "You are both here for the Giraffe feeding, right?" I am sure my eyes were very wide with surprise. What? I get to touch and feed a giraffe? O.M.G.
And people, we did meet the giraffes, and it was spectacular. At first we fed them treats so they would get use to us.

After that, we went down with the trainer, and helped her with training them. There is this big frisbee attached to a stick. We simply walked around the cage area and the giraffes would follow and touch there nose to the frisbee. Of course they got a lot of treats, and some lovin from the both of us.

They are so big and lovely, I think I'll add them to my list of future pets.
We also had lunch at The Garden downtown. I always love going there, great food, with a great view.

The rest of the day was filled with reading and napping, some of my favorite things to do. Brandon made dinner, which was also amazing.

It really was the perfect Valentine's day. And just when I thought it was all over, I got some beautiful flowers delivered to my work on Valentine's day.

What can I say? I was completely spoiled this year. All thanks to my wonderful Valentine, who pulled out all the stops. I am completely in love with him.