Pre-drug the animal and figure out the right calculations
Place a catheter
Set up IV fluids
Intubate (which is a little more tricky on an alive animal, just sayin')
Hook up to anesthesia
Monitor and write down stats every five minutes during the surgery
Once the surgery is over, I take away the gas
Wait for him to wake up
and then watch and monitor his vitals while he starts to recoverThat was a lot of things for me to do, but I got a good pat on the back from the Doctor and my instructor. I wasn't able to see the actual surgery this time because I was so focused on making sure Trapper was doing well. I mostly starred at this the entire time
But at least I got to give him some good attention after the surgery was over.
Isn't he adorable? It was so much fun, I'm looking forward to a lot more surgeries - but Trapper will always be my first!
Trapper is awesome
I am awesome
Today is freaking awesome.
Congratulations!! Glad it went so well, I can't even imagine doing something like that!!
You are my hero! Way to kick some trash!
that is.... well you said it, awesome!
Glad to hear things are going well. :)
GOOD JOB GIRL!! Way to put into action all your great knowledge.
that is impressive! The picture with all of the tubes in his mouth intimidates me a lot.
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