New Years Eve:
Brandon and I kicked off the new year right! We went to the melting pot together, which I think will have to be a tradition of ours. It's nice to get out to a nice place at least once a year. After our fabulous dinner, we went to the wise guys comedy show with Trent and Amelia. Then after laughing until my sides hurt we headed to our place to play games until midnight. I must be getting old because as soon as the clock stroke midnight, I was seriously ready for some shut eye!
Brandon's Job:
We are in a pickle right now. He went full time (yay), but it is at night (boo). So we never really see each other during the weeks again (boo). However, there is a good chance in February he will become a driver, because while driving during the holidays the supervisors were impressed with him (yay). He just found out however if he sticks with this new full time job at night, he won't be able to be promoted to a driver until next year (BOOOOO!) So now we are forced to make a choice on if he should stay full time or not and cross our fingers he gets a driving position soon. I really thought we were done going back and forth with his work, but apparently it is just beginning.
My School/Work:
I started new classes this semester which are anesthesiology and small animal surgery. My first day of school was yesterday, which I had to take a break from our four hour lecture to cry in the bathroom for a while. I feel very overwhelmed with how demanding these new classes are. I'm trying to have my head up, but seriously I'm not sure how the hell I'm going to make it for the next 12 weeks - pray for me! As far as work goes, because my new school schedule is in the day time, I get to work three 10 hour shifts and two 5 hour shifts. Today is my first 10 hour day at work, and I hope I can get use to this quickly. I feel as though I am whining about my life when really to others it is most likely not a big deal. I'm just trying to take things a day at a time and somehow not shoot myself in the foot while being at it. Did I mention in my new class I have to practice incubating on a freshly euthanized cat? Yeah, I might throw up and cry just thinking about it.
Life over all:
Like I said, I'm just trying to do the best I can with everything going on. I keep telling myself if Brandon and I work hard, somehow, someway things will sort themselves out. I think in the mean time I'll start myself on some anti anxiety medication so hopefully I don't think the sky is falling down every day. Take my word for it kids, worrying all the time is not the way to go! 2011 is off to a shaky start, but I still have high hopes that this could be the best year of my life.