Its amazing how the memories just flood back to me and all of the sudden I am 14 again walking down the stairs to my room to listen to the album. Searching everywhere I seriously can't find the CD, and when I walk out of my room to ask someone if they have seen it, I see my mom speed walking/dancing her butt off on the treadmill with giant headphones on.
"Rachel! This new Nsync album is the bomb - a little dirty, but great to listen to while working out!"
And that people is why my mom is amazing.
Also later on that year my dad stood in line with me early on a Saturday morning to get tickets to their concert. He even made deals with other people in line to make sure we got tickets. Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours kind of deal. Then my dear father proceed to take me to the concert, buy me a t shirt, a seat cushion, and a program. He also tolerated me when I stood on my seat and cried the entire time for the love of my life JT!
And that people is why my dad is amazing.
On another random subject, I bought this today.
It is a stuffed shark that turns into a pillow. Enough said.
Also I love Brittni, especially when she comes up and we spend Easter weekend together.
Enough said.
P.S. Reg and Frankie are best brothers now. Exhibit A: