
Keep On Keeping On

Lately I've been thinking a lot about moving forward. I am obsessed about moving forward. I am always trying to learn things, and keep on working on becoming a better person. But, I feel sort of in a rut these days. I am unsure what my next step is. Everyone around me seem to be doing something in there life. Babies, marriage, moving, traveling, graduating. Things like that. Well for me it is like this...

Graduating - Did it

Traveling - I am poor white trash

Moving - Have I mentioned how white and poor I am?

Marriage - Did it

Babies - Not in this lifetime.

So I feel a little...um... stuck. I know that I am doing what I can to change my life. It is not like I am not busy, and trying to change my life for the better. It is just seems to be never ending. I have this idea in my head that I am way too old to be living in a 600 square foot house, making crappy money, and sleeping all day on my days off. Then sometimes I'm like, in five years I'll still be in my 20's and in a better place (I hope).

Ew. I am so a debbie downer. Sorry about that.


Is This Real Life?

Let me break down my last week for ya.

Last Monday - While working at my new job, I was being yelled (over something so minuscule it isn't even worth mentioning or wasting my time on), and this conversation happened.

"Are you intimidated by me Rachel?" - Manager

"No, I can't say that I am." - Me

"If I put a gun to your head, would you be intimidated then?" - Manager


So, in true Rachel fashion I reported it to HR. Because guess what? I AM NO PUNK! I ALWAYS DEFEND MYSELF! Apparently I need this on a t-shirt, because people keep thinking they can walk all over me. This created a lot of gossip and in less then 4.8 hours everyone knew what happened. Long story short, now apparently I am known as the girl who whines.

Last Saturday - While at a very adult party filled with booze, and hookah, the next door neighbors kid shows up in front of me and a bunch of people at the hookah, and attempts to smoke it.

"Wow, wait - how old are you?" - Me

"13." - Kid

"Alright, let's not smoke then." - Me

"My mom said it was ok if I did." - Kid

(His mom was at the party, and did say he could smoke if he wanted)

Stunned I say "Ok, well then don't smoke in front of me" - Me

Apparently I was out of line for talking to that kid, and it was also "none of my business" getting in between this kid, and smoking. Last time I checked the law, he was breaking it. Oh, did I mention it wasn't him that was giving me this crap - it was THE OTHER ADULTS AROUND ME? 

I know I've been living under a rock these days, but when did giving people crap for standing up for what they believe in be considered a bad thing? I am astonished by how many people sit to the side and let things happen. Well guess what world? If I have to be the tattle tale, or the party crasher then so be it! I won't apologize for standing up for myself when I was bullied, or for standing up for the law and that kids innocence either! 

I feel disappointed in our society right now. Apparently there are very few of us left who will stand up for what is right, even if it isn't what is cool.