
Am I A Hater?

I try really, really hard to give people a clean slate when I meet them. No matter what so-and-so has told me, or the stories I've heard, I try not to judge. Seriously, I really do.

But, can I be honest for a minute? I really try to like people - but there are some people, I just don't like. If my instincts tell me something isn't right, well it is pretty much over for me and that person. Is that wrong of me? Am I a hater?

Because of this relationships have dimmed, to almost the point of distinction. How do I get out of my head and see what everyone else seems to see with that person? How can I get myself not to drift away so much? I don't know, but I have noticed it is happening, and maybe I need to change. Or maybe I need to just listen to my gut and get over it.

1 comment:

Jen and Jaylie said...

ALWAYS listen to your gut =) I have thee exact same problem sister