
Put it on My Tab!

What a weekend I have had. You ever get the feeling you are a problem MAGNET? Just call me P.M. for short! Anyway, on Saturday I decided to visit the good old family. We did a lot of shopping, and just had a lot of fun. When we came home we came home to this... Reggie (whom I brought to my mothers house and left him in their back yard) saw the neighbors dog and went on the attack! He ended up breaking some of the wood fence creating a whole! My mom had tied him up in the backyard because the neighbor was so freaked out that Reggie was going to kill her smaller dog. Once that dog has his mind on something that is all he can ever think about. He has to do whatever it takes to reach his goals. A lot of people do get freaked out because they have never seen a dog jump 6 feet in the air, or tear through fences to get to the other side. I cant say I blame them, it is a little freaky. This dog seriously keeps me on my toes. Every time I turn around he is somehow getting himself in trouble. So he broke a big chunk out then my step dad, Ron decided that they were going to take the whole section of the fence off and rebuild it. At this point I am feeling horrible that Reggie broke it, that I offered to pay for the wood. *Note to self: wood is much more expensive then you would think.* Ron and I went to the local home depot picking up wood then went back to the house. It took a while for the neighbors and my dad to get it fixed. I didn't even think to get a picture of the end project, but they all did a great job. All in all, I have learned if I am ever going to keep Reggie in a back yard, it's going to need 8 foot brick fences. Until he is able to figure out how to escape, or break out of that one!

Below is the trader himself!

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