
Pure Luck

So, I know lately I have been writing some depressing things. Sometimes, well more often that not, I get the feeling to write when crappy stuff is going on…alas some of these are pretty depressing. GOOD NEWS… this one is going to not be depressing (I hope).

Today a friend of mine and I went to lunch. I drove. Pretty normal day until I actually started driving! As I was merging onto the freeway (which all of you who work at XanGo know what I am talking about), there is no stop its just yield merging with others to get on the freeway. I was doing just that until a white truck with a trailer decides to blow right past me almost smashing our two vehicles together. I know people do stupid crap all the time, so I shrugged it off and kept on driving. Here comes the good part… while passing a semi on the freeway it decides to (no joke) burst into flames! The whole front cab caught on fire and all sorts of junk was flying from underneath the truck. A couple of things (I am not sure what they are still) hit my car. Once I was able to look at my car later on nothing actually dented/scratched/cracked my car. However, I do have oil and grease all over my car.

This little incident reminded me that the oddest things happen to me. I have this weird funk when it comes to my luck. I find myself in odd situations all the time. Either it happens to me or I end up hanging out with people who do bizarre things. I thought I would take the time to list a few things in my life that have happened, a little recap if you will.

1. Stuck in the XanGo elevator for almost an hour and a half by myself.

2. Almost getting hit on the side of my car on the freeway by a semi who couldn’t stop due to ice.

3. Had a good friend in high school who robbed a bank three times and got busted (I had to list this one, it’s just so weird!)

4. Had Shingles that went untreated for a week because my mom thought it was a “bug bite” (This is weird because there is a 0.18% chance you in your lifetime will ever get it. Also 1 out of 544 people get it.)

5. Got lost in a California mall for many, many hours when I was 7.

6. When I was in Jr. High my uncle dropped off me and a friend to school in his semi truck, but ended up getting stuck in the parking lot and having to move other peoples parked cars to get out of the way.

7. Once while giving blood, the lady left me alone and I had almost 1.5 quarts of blood taken out of me (2 quarts of blood gone is deadly) The bag was dripping with blood…and I had no idea until she said something.

8. I have accidentally killed two animals and a fish. (Okay the fish one is a long story, the other two were a Ginnie pig and a bunny). Also I have ALMOST killed my mom's dog. (He choked on a piece of meat I gave him).

9. I have been in a total of seven accidents since I was 16. Three of which are my fault, they were also in three different cars that my dad owned. (HAHA!)

10. While sitting down at the grand opening of Crispy Cream Donuts, I got peed on by a golden lab, and it went all down my back staining my white sweatshirt.

11. Going to a Grizzlies hockey game for my dads birthday, I ended up getting a lap dance with the grizzle bear and it was showing all over the jumbo tram (or whatever that is.) The funny part was my dads friends who took us to the game meant for it to go to my Dad for his birthday by surprise, but during half time me and my dad switched spots. There is nothing like getting a lap dance in front of thousands of people!

12. While at California Adventures we were on the "Rocket" ride. It basically shoots you up to the top and then you fall down. Well, when I went on with some friends we got stuck at the top for about 45 minutes. I didn't think it was that major until they had to clear everything and everyone so they could work on getting us down. For being afraid of heights I did pretty well about not freaking out the whole time.

13. I've been on a hot air balloon ride. Come on now, how many can say that?

That is about all I can think up right now. As I remember things I will come back to this and write more. Leave a comment and let me know what has happened to you guys that is weird…or better yet write a post about it!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ha wow...that is an impressive list of weirdness. After reading yours I can't think of my own, but I know I have lots. The only two that come to mind is.. my junior year of high school I was in the ER seven times. And I've been in two car accidents since I got my license and they were in the exact same intersection both times. I hate that intersection now.