
Save a horse ride a cowboy!


I have had a great time in the last 72 hours. It started with meeting up with my amazing cousin Trent. We went to the park and were on the swings talking all night long. I love doing things like that because it reminds you and brings you back to a simpler time. It was when you had all the time in the world to only worry about you and your friends. On Friday I got together with Jen, Michael and Jon. We went and saw the movie Wanted on opening night. That movie was AMAZING. It reminded me a lot of fight club and how original it is. You go in and watch that movie, but you really have no idea what you are getting yourself into. We had a lot of laughs, good food, and good company. How can you go wrong there? The next day I met up with a friend of mine who was going to get their first tattoo. One of my weaknesses has always been tattoos. I want one so bad I usually have to keep my mind off of it so that I dont get wrapped up in it. I actually think some time this year I will get a tattoo. My poor mom, she has to live with this. Me doing almost everything I was raised not to do. At least I can say I am a good person haha. Also last night was my annual Lehi Roundup Rodeo event. I have not missed a rodeo since I was six or so. I took Trent and Michael with me. We had one hell of a night. The people who sat next to us were loud and rowdy, just how a Rodeo should be. We were not even able to sit down before the hick behind us was yelling at us.

Hick: “Oh buddy you don’t want to be sitting in front of me!”
Michael: “Why? Are you going to hit me?”
Hick: “No I am not going to hit you.”
Michael: “You going to spit on me?”
Hick: “No I am not going to spit on you.”
Michael: “Alright then I can survive whatever you got.”

They already had some moonshine before they came. In fact moonshine was the recurring topic for them. I tried to take pictures of us together but the people behind us kept intercepting my attempts. I even had a woman grab the back of my hair while trying to take a picture. Everyone thought I was going to get mad but I just turned around and said…

“Next time pull it harder!”

So within the first 9 minutes I got my $11 worth. The cowboys were amazing. I have officially have put them on my list as things to own. They are real men dealing with real bad ass things. They don’t seem afraid and are determined to get to their goal. Did I mention they are drop-to-your-knees-gorgeous? Just another plus.


A Daughter's Prayer

Save him
Save him
From his own hands
From the bottle
The men
The drugs
I will pray for the both of us
I will carry his cross too.
Save him
Save him
From his sharp tongue
From the influences
The friends
The unloved
I will suffer for the both of us
I will surrender blood from these pours too
Save him
Save him
From his broken heart
From the insecurities
The money
The nice clothes
I will repent for the both of us
I will forgive him too

God, just save him.

Accept the Never Change

Born into a naïve society
What’s done is done
You will never change
Keep growing
How will you take it?
Unsure time will pass
Twenty three years
Hope is on the horizon
Bright future ahead
In your darkest hour
Help is on the way
Can you feel me?
Warm heat surrounding your suicidal heart
Now son you can see.
Open your eyes
The light is too bright
Accept the never change
Listen to my beating heart
We are the same
Naïve society will cast the first stone

Are they without sin?

Un día mi hijo que usted comprenderá


Ode to Odin

Sorry mom, but the next dog I am going to get is going to be huge like Odin! I can't help myself, this dog is beautiful. He is more of a man than anyone I've come across. :)
I want another dog so bad I just can't even stand it!


It's Just A Sexual Thing

For those of you who get squeamish when talking about sex…this post is not for you…

It MUST be summer because sex is the topic with almost anyone I come into contact with! I like to think of myself adult enough to not break out into laughter or giggle like a little school girl when people talk about their sex lives, sometimes that doesn’t always happen though.

I think one of the biggest questions I get from people when asking about the Mormon religion is

“What’s that whole deal you guys and no sex?”

I can’t say I can give the best answers with questions like this, because really right now in life I am not participating in that game. Also, I still feel like I don’t know much about the gospel. Not as much as I use to know anyway. I don’t ever want to give them a wrong answer so I usually keep it a general answer.

“We just believe it’s something you hold off on until you are married”

That usually brings on a lot more questions.

“So do Mormons only have sex missionary style? Do they only have sex to conceive children” (Kids, if you don’t know what that is, ask your mom)

“Yep, Mormons only have sex to make babies, and on occasional holidays too.”

Ok – I don’t really say that but I think I should start saying that. Sex is such a heated topic it’s like the deciding factor with a lot of people looking into being apart of the church. Most Mormons I know do NOT talk about it. Which is too bad, people should not be so uptight. I am however surprised people outside of the church view Mormons like that.

Yesterday however I was reminded why they do think that. While visiting a high school friend the subject got brought up…shocking I know!

Ok paint this picture in your head.

Sweet, sweet girl. Innocent, very Mormon. Father is a seminary teacher, mother is a pre-school teacher. Got married young – 19. Doesn’t really know the “ways of the world” yet.

This girl starts telling me how it is with Mormons and sex.

“We don’t do anything ‘un-natural’ and we don’t have sex very often”

Uhh…ok this conversation is heading in another direction I didn’t want to get into. I could go on and on about other things she said – which were totally absurd. The main reason I am telling this story is it is just so crazy how other people think. Whether that be sex, religion, drugs, alcohol, gay marriage…whatever! I have my own views and options about things, I would never try to force them on someone else (like my friend tried to do with me yesterday).

My mind was opened some more yesterday, I’ve learned you can’t think things that other people say. Some of it is just bogus! You need to find the right facts and then make a personal choice for yourself and what’s best for you.

The end.


No Mo!

That’s it! I quit! No more dating for me!

Dating is for losers I’ve decided, and because I am not a loser I must drop this nasty habit of putting myself through hell and back to get to know someone. Last week I ended up going out on a date that this boy asked me too. I didn’t know him all that well, but decided I mind as well. We went out and I actually had a good time. He was smart, funny, interesting to talk to, good looking.

First warning – seems too good to be true.

It was around 1pm when we decided it was about time to go our separate ways, until he asked me if I still wanted to do something. I decided I didn’t have to work the next morning so I would.

Second warning – he was persistent in hanging out longer

We ended up going to the house I am watching for a while and watched a movie. Everything seemed fine, I usually know with my own intuition if something is fishy or going wrong. He did however try and get as close to me as possible. I kept to myself the whole night I was just really enjoying his company. Then around 3am he decided it was time to go. While he left he turned around and said “We will talk later – have a good night”

Third warning – he told me we will talk later…who says that? Haha

Anyway, to make a long story short the next day I went to leave him a message on myspace letting him know I had a good time. Well low and behold we are no longer friends anymore. Not only that, but he had deleted or blocked me from any communication between the two of us.

Can you BELIEVE that? At this time it is humorous to me, but at the time I was livid. How can you be such a coward to not say something to my face? Also how much do you have to hate someone to not even let them be your virtual friend?

This last experience was the last straw that broke the camels back for me. Why waist my time with all of these fake people? It’s hard to find the people (friends or dates) who really care about others. You never know how shady people can be.

No more dates for me. (For now anyway)

Those guys who really want to date me are going to have to grovel and beg until their knees bleed to get me to go on another stupid date!


Happy Birthday To Me...

Ok, it really isn't my birthday. You would never know though because of my new toy! I have always been big into photography. I took classes on it for years. After school though I never did anything with it. Today I went and bought myself a new digital camera. It is soo pretty!
So after I got it of COURSE I had to play around and see how it works. My favorite thing to shoot are dogs. I let Reggie run around and snapped some shots.

The weather outside wasnt the best but Reggie sure did get muddy. I had to wash him after. I have only used two of the features on it. I need to read up more on how everything works.


Work It Out Girl!

Can I just say this working out three times a week is kicking my trash? I’m on week four of this new habit I am trying to form. Who ever said it takes 30 days to start a habit is W-R-O-N-G! I am not sure I will ever get to the point of,

“Hey look it’s six in the morning let me get up and sweat my brains out for an hour…that sounds wonderful!”

I do feel better these days though. How can you not? My body is more active and wanting to do a lot more things. In fact last Friday I ended up playing softball for a good few hours with the work peeps. – That is a story within itself. Let’s just say the bruises are still recovering from getting hit head on from my boss.

Note to self: Remember this story for future boss black mail.

I want to get to a point of where I am comfortable with myself. I don’t know how long it is going to take me to get there…but damn it I am going to get there if it kills me! KaraLee leaves for Russia today, so I don’t have my usual work out buddy to go with. Fortunately I have suckered another friend at work to go with me. It is a lot easier to keep my goals when I have a work out buddy. I cringe just saying that because I am so independent. It bothers me knowing I can do better with someone’s help.

In other news the single life isn’t as fun as it is cracked up to be. I hate dealing with dumb guys. I think I would hire someone to find me a bunch of men to choose from instead of having to go through all the idiots. Then when I actually find myself liking someone I go through the whole…

What if he doesn’t think I am cute? What if I am not funny enough? What if I am not smart enough? What if he breaks my heart? What if he doesn’t wear jeans?!? <---Inside joke

I think at this point in my life I am trying to stick to my guns. If I keep trying to improve myself for the better good things will happen right?