
Lessons Learned in 2009

Even if you are scared to death, give relationships a chance to grow. Pedicures make the heart smile. Accept that good things happen to you. (every once in a while at least) Some people are not good people, and no matter what you do you can't change that. A girl has got to listen to some heavy metal every once in a while. Ex's will always be Ex's. Don't talk yourself into anything, especially men. Take an adventure by yourself now and again. Baking cakes with your mother is one of the best things on this planet. Never ever take for granted your health. When times get hard, don't hold back the tears. Little sisters make life better. Everyone deserves a clean plate. Stay positive things will work out like they should. Take pictures of everything. Love comes, and there is nothing you can do but accept and grow from it. Death comes, and there is nothing you can do but accept and grow from it. Brandon's hugs are the best. There is always time to celebrate the good things in your life. Dream really big! A simple greeting card will do just fine. Most of the time it's worth waiting for.


Brandon Wilde said...

Heavy metal? Yes! And I did not know my hugs were the best, if I did I would have been giving them out even more liberally.

But seriously. Those all sound like some good things to have learned.

Jen and Jaylie said...

I love it Rachel! You're the best =]

Shawn said...

Hugs ROCK!!! And I hope to have lots of time to bake cakes with my little guy---thanks for reminding me of those things that are special...