
Has The Time Come?

I have to be honest with you, I have nothing of importance to say these days. I am officially a very boring person. I work and go to school all week. Then on the weekends I spend my time sleeping in, taking naps, and eating.

What has my life come to? The college life I guess.

You know you are working yourself too hard when you fall asleep on your books and homework frequently. I often wake up in a panic and run to the mirror to make sure half a page of my anesthesiology book isn't now located on my right cheek. You laugh, but it has happened to me before.

Hopefully this weekend I'll do something worthy to blog about. And hopefully your life is more interesting then mine right now.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Story of my life. Except minus the whole working hard thing...I usually fall asleep with my books un-opened sitting far far away from me...