
No restraints...just walking!

Today I was lucky.

Playing hooky for the day, isn’t so bad. It gave me time to get my car registered for the next year.

I decided I was going to walk to a local café and have lunch.

I’ve always been jealous of the people who can eat somewhere by themselves. For me it takes a lot of heart to go alone, sit down alone, and eat alone. I’ve always said for the longest time I would go do it. I thought today hey why not?

I walked up there from the car place. It was a good walk. I sat down, and the waiter wanted to know if I was alone. I simply just looked up and smiled. She didn’t know it, but I was accomplishing one of my goals.

The best part was that I was alone. I had no one to call, no one to catch up with, no obligations. I could do WHATEVER I wanted. I had no kids, no car, no husband or boyfriend. The sun was shinning, could it get any better?

After lunch with myself (which you should ALL do sometime), I did some shopping. I walked to every store. Then walked home.

There was something about walking around the city. I can’t even explain it. It made things less stressful.

After several hours my car was done. I walked and picked it up, and came back home. I plan on walking more often.

I mean, I’d save more on gas right?

1 comment:

HaLaine said...

You know, I've never done that. I really should. But I have had some little munchkin or something the better part of my adult life. That's going on the bucket list...
Nice hair by the by...