
Driving Me Mad

I am the girl that is behind you, moving my car slightly to the side to see if someone is in front of you. I'd bet that no one is there. Nope, just you going 70 in the far left lane.

This is where the adrenaline starts to flow through my veins.

I immediately try to be sympathetic. Maybe you see a policeman that I don't, maybe the phone conversation you are having is a matter of life or death, or maybe you are mentally retarded. But let's be honest here - you have bad driving etiquette.

Now, I am not here to claim I am the better driver in this scenario. In fact I bet the total accidents you have been in are far less then my record. I'm sure you have never received any type of ticket, gone above five miles then what the speed limit says, smoked a cigarette, listened to rap music, watched an episode of f.r.i.e.n.d.s, put your left shoe on before your right, or smacked your gum while you chew. Gold star for you.

At this point I know you see me in your rear view mirror. This is where you have three options. Move over to the middle lane as soon as possible, block me in by slowing down even more, or pretend I don't even exist. Now why on earth would you swallow your pride and move over to the middle lane? How absurd.

Please by all means grip that steering wheel tighter and take your foot off the gas pedal.

Ooo a challenge. You know what I like.

Scanning the freeway my mind searches for all the possible escape routes. I start switching lanes. Today, there seems to be a lot of you out on the road, so I have to go all the way to the far end right lane. For a moment it is looking ugly - I am trapped. You are victorious and can't help but smile after defeating the bad guy.

However, before you know it there I am making a come back moving all the way to your lane. I make sure to cut in front of you. I have to make sure I live up to my horrible driving reputation. I am sure you understand. And just so you know... once the next person behind you does the exact same thing as me, you only look like the jackass eating my dust.

This easily could have been avoided. If you would have just moved over.


Brandon Wilde said...

Sorry. I guess I just didn't see you there. ;)

Shawn said...

Heh, heh... This totally sounds like me! I can't stand it when someone goes slow in the fast lane---arrrrgghhhh!

I used to do what I call "breakout" in CA when I lived there---and that was to go all the way to the right--the slow lane and then go around everyone.

It worked pretty much all the time.
And it felt great to get in front of all the losers...