
High School Years

Because the creative part of my brain is still on holiday I have decided to answer questions about the High School days.

1. Did you date someone from your high school?
I dated many people from my high school, and some from others. I also dated guys who were already graduated from my high school - does that count too?

2. What kind of car did you drive?
A white Saturn SC2 (I think) 94

3. What is your most embarrassing moment in high school?
I am sure I had a lot. I can't remember anything too tragic though. It's hard to embarrass me unless you know the right buttons to push. I usually roll with the punches.

4. Were you a party animal?
I was very much apart of that group. I remember a lot of rock star moments.

5. Were you considered a flirt?
Uh...not only that but I was known as the man eater amongst my friends. It was never my favorite title for sure.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
I did choir for a while but that crowd wasn't rowdy enough for me so then I went into drama.

7. Were you a nerd?
Nope, and I have the grades to prove it.

8. Were you on any varsity teams?
Ohhhh no!

9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
I may have done a lot of dumb things but I wasn't dumb enough to get kicked out

10. Can you still sing the fight song?
I never knew the whole thing I just know at the beginning you say "Timpanogos! Timpanogos!"

11. Who were your favorite teachers?
My drama teacher was the best. I could do the most stupid things and it was always genius to her. She was also good at calling my bull crap and putting me back in line when things got out of hand.

12. Where did you sit during lunch?
On a bar stool at my house, or some other place we went out to that day.

13. School Mascot?
Timber Wolf

14. Did you go to homecoming and with who?

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
Yes, knowing what I know now I could only have a lot more fun with very few responsibilities.

16. What do you remember most about graduation?
I remember walking across the floor to get my diploma and shaking the guys hand and hearing "SAM! SAMMMMMM!" When I looked up a group of my friends who were not graduating that year came and were screaming, flashing, and whistling at me. It was a funny surprise.

17. Where did you go senior skip day?
I think we had a house party of some sort

18. Who was your prom date?
Kyle Helton

19. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
No way. I have no time for those chumps.

20. Looking back what advice would you give yourself?
I would tell myself to apply myself in school more. I would remind myself I have it in me to be better. I would also say that having a crazy social life wasn't so important. Just take it one day at a time and know things happen for a reason.

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