

My whole life I have been a fan of lemonade. The southern girl in me longs for those hot summer days and a cold glass of this thirst quenching drink. I take for granted the very simple things in life that mean so much to me.

As of late my life seems too good to be true. I have good health, helpful family, stable job, life saving friends, interesting school program, and a very kind hearted boyfriend. How I am able to have all this? I am not sure myself.

Slowly things have all been looking up. With everything. How does this happen? I guess I always get worried when the ocean only shows smooth sailing ahead. I am constantly checking the sides of the boat for any unwanted ripples that are sure to show up sooner or later. Which is completely ridiculous. I just can't help myself though. I am in a fairly new relationship that seems like it can do no wrong (just yet anyway). After being is such a crappy one before I am not sure I know how to handle dating an adult.

...Wait! You mean he is rational, good looking, likes me for the way I am, and lives on his own? Shut right up!

The Vet Tech program I am in right now is amazing. I am getting good grades and actually enjoying the labs and hands on training they give you. The school has animals from different shelters coming in to get treatment from the doctors at our school. Every Friday I get the chance to work with the animals and apply what I know. I look forward to running around on the grass with dogs who are being given a second chance. Knowing I am a part of that reminds me why I wanted to do this in the first place.

I also have been getting along with my dad. This is a Jesus miracle within itself. We seem to be off and on a lot of the time fighting over the dumbest things. For now we put on our happy faces and try to be better.

So what do you do when life gives you lemonade instead of just lemons? My first reaction is to dump it on the ground and demand for harsh reality to set back in. However, I guess I will enjoy it while it lasts and get my gulps in while I can.


Brandon Wilde said...

You deserve it all. I'm the lucky one. :)

HaLaine said...

So is that your boyfriend up there? He's a keeper.
So what I was going to say before I saw his fantastic comment is this:
I too had the "When's the Ball Gonna Drop" attitude for a long time. Not that I like Dr. Phil all that much, but he said something to someone facing similar issues: "Don't you think you deserve to be happy?" That hit me. It's a very hard habit to break...but it's possible. Decide you deserve all of that stuff and then the fear of ripples starts to go away...

Shawn said...

You just enjoy it, girl---don't look a gift horse in the mouth, as "they" say---whoever "they" are. Just be happy and ENJOY it!