
Random Thoughts for a Wednesday

Why is it so hard to find a good book to read? You can get suggestions from your friends, look at the best sellers list, try a recommendation online, and none of these seem to get me what I want. I want a page turner, thats easy to read, with a little bit of romance and shock value. Is that so hard to find? I'm tired of reading books that don't keep my interest, but no matter what century we are in it is still the same trial and error method when it comes to good books.

Leggings are now my new love! I am currently wearing these today.

They are fashionable, warm, great with my high heels, and more comfortable then stockings. Why didn't the 80's come back sooner? I have three different types of leggings that are as comfortable (dare I say it?) as sweat pants. My co-worker told me I look like a rock star today. To which I replied "I do look like a rock star today!" Have no shame ladies, you wear these bad boys with those high heels!

Is it just me or does Jake on the bachelor not just melt your heart?

I usually don't watch the bachelor or the bachelorette, but I am watching this season! Mmm Jake, whisk me away on your private jet where I can giggle like a little school girl, and stare at your amazing smile. And while we are on the subject of silly TV shows, don't you hate it when those trainers yell at the people on the biggest loser? Is that necessary? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I understand these people probably need a big kick in the butt to get going (I know I would), but the screaming and telling them how crappy they are gets on my last nerve. There has to be a better way to motivate someone, has to be!

Has anyone else wondered how toilets hold so much weight? Like when you go to the movie theater and the toilet looks like it is just glued to the wall? No stand or anything? What would you do if it broke when you sat down? I wonder this every time I'm about to sit down on one of those. I also brace myself in case anything could go wrong. Just for your information, this is also the proper way to use a toilet.

What are you thinking about today?


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

okay I'm sucked into the Batchelor as well (ADORABLE! Although I didn't think it was possible to hear girls say "like" as much as you do on the show...eek) also-- read "The Hunger Games" LOVED it!

Heather said...

Carlie loves leggings too!! She would wear them everyday if I would let her:) I love how the ones you have taper (I don't think that is the word but you know what I mean) down the leg!!

MaryPosa said...

I do SO agree on the book thing. I'm sick to death of picking up a book that i think will be fantastic only to be disappointed. Stupid J.K. Rowling ruined everything, now everything else seems mediocre.

Trent said...

okay, that toilet part...im still laughing. maybe because i cant get the image out of my head of you at the movie theater "bracing yourself" before you sit down. ba ha ha!

Jen and Jaylie said...

oh man Rachel you crack me up and for that I am very thankful! I agree with Trent about the toilet thing...I'm still laughing! ha ha!