Oh people, I am back - and I've missed you!
The wedding and honeymoon have come and gone, and now I'm back in reality. I'll talk more about the wedding day later, when I have wedding pictures - until then, just know it was beautiful and everything I could have asked for.
We left the Sunday after the wedding to San Diego. We stayed at this bed and breakfast that was breathtaking. Everything there was authentic 1800's. The breakfast we had every morning was magnificent (it has to be if I'm going to wake up early for it). We even met a bunch of interesting people.

What did I tell ya? The next morning we sent off on our animal extravaganza by starting at the San Diego Zoo. For those of you who don't know it is located in Balboa Park, which is massive to say the least! I enjoyed the park a lot. We took this cute little trolley around and into the park.

After a little bit of walking we made it to the zoo.

I had a lot of fun looking around and seeing all of the animals. It was so big though! There was no way we would be able to see everything they had there in a day, but we sure tried!

The next day we got a rental car and drove out to the Wild Animal Park. It was pretty neat, but very expensive if you want to have a good time there. I thought it would be more zoo like, but really it was just massive amounts of acres where animals roam free. It is a breeding place for the San Diego Zoo, but made open to the public. We had a tour where they drove us around some of the land. I found some strange peace in watching all of the animals be where they wanted to be. We also got to go behind the scenes a little bit with our tour. We saw an animal up close and personal I've never met before, and fed a baby Rhino named Johntwo. That was my favorite part of the trip was getting to touch and feed him. Rhinos make it on my top ten favorite animals of all time. I think Brandon enjoyed it too, especially taking his camera everywhere.

My dad gave us for our wedding a dinner cruise that goes under the Coronado bridge at night. This was lovely! We spent our time eating, dancing, but mostly watching the city on the dock.

Next on the agenda was Sea World of course! I love me some sea creatures! It was Brandon's first time, so I made sure to show him the Shamu show. I even caught him getting a little teary eyed at some points. It really is breath taking what these whales can do.

I also had a run in with a dolphin who decided to splash me real good while hanging out next to them. All the people within watching distance had a good laugh, including Brandon. I however, was not amused.

Good thing there were Sea Lions to cheer me up. We fed them for a bit, then watched the Sea Lion Live show, which I have loved since a little girl.

We spent the entire day looking at the other animals around the park, I think this was both mine and Brandon's favorite days.

Our last day in San Diego we went back to Balboa park to go to a photography museum they have. We then drove over to Coronado Island to visit the beach, and eat some great mexican food.

I really had a great time with my new Husband. He went above and beyond to make things special, I was surprised he planned everything by himself. I can't believe it is over already, but you can't stay in bliss forever right?
