
Halloween Madness

Thank the good Lord Halloween is officially over! I almost never say that, but this year I packed in so many Halloween events that I was so tired by Halloween day. Although, I did go out with a bang. It started on Friday where my crazy work held their annual Halloween party. I dressed up as a witch for the day. We saw crazy costumes as always. Here are a few of my favorite.

Cop, waldo, wheaties box, and the witch


Ursala and a shower? I don't get it.

Man on giant bird - he won 1st prize

old spice guy

Davey Jones carved pumpkin - amazing!

Another cool pumpkin


Pretty creative right? I couldn't help myself and through my second Halloween party on Saturday night. I was feeling sick all last week, so I took it easy at the party and more observed then partied with everyone else. I did get a good dance in to Thriller, and took a few good pictures. I was Snow White, and my fabulous husband was Spock. I am so grateful to all my fun friends who came and dressed up. Everyone complemented me on the party, but really its the people who make the party not me. Oh, and I couldn't have done it without my dad. He let me trash his house, and helped me out the entire day. I owe him one.

The budget ninja, and Snow White


Naughty officer, and the fire fighter

Spock, and the scare crow (she made that herself!)

Prince of Persia, and his lady

Serious drag queen, and kitty

Robin woman, and Lady GaGa

Married with Children couple

Banana and penguin I couldn't stop laughing at these costumes

A warrior and the doctor

Spock and Snow White

Bat woman, dirty pirate, and an 80s dude

Snow white and Peg

Sexy Spock

Lady Gaga and Snow White

Warrior, Mummy, Dirty Pirate and Robin woman

Some dancing of course

Now it is November. How did that happen? I'm sort of looking forward to the holiday season coming up. Although, you know how I feel about Thanksgiving.

Hope you Halloween was as scary as mine!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I heard it was a great party!! Everyone really got dressed up! I can't believe some of those costumes at your work party!! Some people have waaaay too much time:) I am glad to have Halloween over too! Before we know it Christmas will be here!!!:)