
Dear Mom,

Last night I had a strange dream about you, and wanted to write down as much as I can remember. It started out with Ron telling me we had to leave and pick you up from Florida.

Florida? Yeah, I don't know why it was there either.

Anyway we flew there to get you. Apparently you left the family to go find yourself, in hot sweaty Florida. And you wanted to come back home. We ended up picking you up and flying back to Utah. In the plane you sat behind me. I turned around and said.

"Oh Mom! I've missed you so very much!"

I kept going on and on about how much I missed you, and I cried a lot. I couldn't figure out why I was so emotional because in the dream you had not been gone very long. Of course now I understand why there was so much emotion. I was seeing you alive for the first time in a very long time.

I crawled into the back of the plane, in the seat next to you and held your hand.

"I can't wait for you to meet Brandon, and I mean really meet Brandon, and get to know him." I was so excited to take you back home where you belonged. We held hands and I watched you look at me and cry, as though there was something you were not telling me. But I felt like you didn't want to ruin the moment, and neither did I. So we sat and held hands until I woke up.

I really love the moments we have together in my dreams. I really believe this is the way we can really communicate, and I feel very blessed for these moments.

Thank you for letting me hold your hand.

With love and devotion,



Heather said...

That is special that you can have dreams like that because not everyone can!!

Unknown said...

I think this is beautiful, and I am so glad you got to have this experience.