
Dear Mom,

I'm not feeling so good these days. Neither is Alyssa, well she has the flu or something, but I just feel mentally sick. It's amazing the limits you are pushed to in your life, and the simplest thing happens and I just crack. But everyone cracks, you've told me that. I also was told many times by you in my life that eventually (sooner rather then later) I have to get up and try again. So I'll do that, just not today - and probably not tomorrow either.

Marriage is tricky, and I'm learning more then ever that the first year will make or break you. The emotional/physical/financial roller coaster isn't fun anymore. I'm really hoping life lets me get off the ride before I end up puking on everyone close to me. Is it too much to ask for just a warm sunny drive on the coast line instead? (Ha! If only us "Marie" women could only be so lucky!)

Is it rude of me to ask that you work something on your side to make things better? Maybe thats cheating, but I'd like a little help in getting myself in the right direction. Going around in loops seems to be getting me no where. So, work some magic up there would ya? I mean that in the nicest way possible of course.

Good grief I miss you. Hope its warmer where you are!

With love,



Unknown said...

Pumpkin, hang in there babe. Really. Things will get better. Just remember to have some faith and trust. And hold onto it, even when that is the hardest thing to do. I am there for you always. And I know without a doubt your mom is too.

And for the record, I love you.

Carrot said...

At times like these I can't help but think of Dorey on Finding Nemo. "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming." I have faith in you! You can do this!

Heather said...

Commence hugely long comment:

SERIOUSLY - I really know what you're talking about with the marriage thing. Most of my friends are the types (or at least pretend to be the types) that had an "easy" first year and it made me feel isolated or like something was wrong with us, or our relationship was inferior, or blah blah blah. I felt like once I got married, I instantly contracted Bipolar Disorder, where one minute I'd be thinking, "My husband is SO GREAT! I'm so lucky! Hooray!" and then 2 hours later I'd be more like, "WHYYYYYY MEEE????!!" or, "What have I done?? Why did I get married??!" Our first anniversary is tomorrow (that blows my mind), and ya know what? It actually IS getting a little easier! We're getting more used to how the other operates, and better at recognizing that a lot of the stuff we used to fret about really isn't that big of a deal. There was a long while (up until somewhat recently) where it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel that this ridiculously long roller coaster kept careening me in and out of. Everyone is different, of course, but I assure you that eventually it WILL get easier. So just hang on.

Whoa, how annoying am I with my little soapbox? I guess what I'm trying to say is, "YOU'RE NOT ALONE!" And to just hold on.