
Decking the Halls

It's about time I get to posting about something interesting (or at least cool pictures to look at). The weekend of Thanksgiving we had Trent and Brittni over to help us turn our condo into the Christmas spirit.

We did a great job, if I do say so myself.

Our first Christmas tree turned out classic!

Brandon's mom gave us this ornament

And of course I put up my favorite ornament of all time

Speaking of which, I put up my moms tree as well.

New stockings is a must.

I'm also completely in love with my new nativity scene, even if a cat has already broke off the angel's arm (don't even get me started on that).

Over all I had a great time - even the animals did.

Christmas is coming, and I think we are ready.


Heather said...

Both trees look beautiful!! I hope you put the cat in time out that broke your new nativity!!:) I know what that's like, it's just a kid doing it not a cat:)

Acetylene said...

i agree, those trees are classic... despite the fact that they are fake ;P No really, i love what you guys did to the place!