
Mawage...is what burings us togetha today!

There I was skirt, four inch heels and all!

Okay first off that is a sight to see. I don’t dress up to often; I try to avoid it at all costs. Last night was different though, it was my best friends wedding. If I could have found a loop hole I would have. Although I knew this was something I couldn’t get past without hearing about it for the next eight years.

My friend is the type of girl who is destined to be a wife and mother. It is just in her blood. That was her plan in life, be born, baby-sit kids, get married, have own kids. I have to admit right here most of the time growing up side by side with her, it made me sick. Anytime we went anywhere together, she had to find some type of baby and play with it. Not just any baby mind you, the most slobbery, crying, pull-on-you-hair baby! I having a phobia of children never liked this aspect of my friend.

So standing in line waiting to say congratulations to the oh-so-happy couple, I scanned the room. A lot of familiar faces, none of which I really wanted to speak to. In Mormon land no one cares about your job, or school. Oh no, it is…

“Are you dating anyone?”

Such a loaded question. I could lie and say I have been dating someone. Of course, then they would want all the details and I just couldn’t make the lie seem real. Or I could tell them I’m not dating anyone, and you get this sympathetic look coming your way from the people around you. I find in this situation just avoid people as much as possible. That is hard to do especially when your mother gets right in there when that question is asked.

“Oh she dated someone for two years, but they just broke things off.”

Rolling my eyes, I look for the nearest door out. I am starting to feel a little claustrophobic, not to mention this whole line thing isn’t moving almost at all!

As if I couldn’t feel more bugged, right in the line behind me is my “high school enemy”. Now I am not one to really get violent or hate someone. But this girl was walking the fence with that. In our past things got ugly, very ugly! It was hard for me to shrug it off when she was in the room with me. I could say it was like having a giant elephant in the room, but that wouldn’t do it justice. It was like having a Richard Simmons behind you doing jumping jacks and yelling to everyone how special you are. VERY annoying! The only good part about seeing her was to find out she worked at a local Harmon’s grocery store, and was dating a 30-year-old-something-balding-creepy guy. I had to inwardly smile at that. As un-Christian like it was, it felt so good to know she was living life just like I thought she would, trashy and miserable.



To my horror there she came. With a baby attached to her hip. I haven’t seen her since high school. I knew there was a reason I didn't do this kind of crap.

"Is that yours?!?"

Oh she didn’t even have to answer the question, it was defiantly hers. How could this be? She was my age! My mom got all bubbly and wanted to hold the baby. I was paralyzed, couldn't even say a word. A vision flashed in my mind with a ring on my finger and a baby on my hip. The marriage thing didn’t seem to bad, but the baby was just taking it way to far. She seemed so happy being married for two years with a kid, and I was happy for her. Did I tell you how much I don't like kids?

Before I knew it, there I was face-to-face with my friend. All dressed in white, I told her she looked beautiful, and she did. When I gave her a hug I realized in a weird way it was like saying goodbye.

“Goodbye married friend…maybe I will see you on the other side…”

My girly weakness side got to me. When was it going to be my turn? As much pride as I have to swallow for saying this, one day I would like to get married as well. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to stand next to someone at your wedding reception, and know they were it, the person you wanted to be with forever.

Quickly getting that thought out of my mind, I realized I was still engaged in one of the longest hugs of my life. After finally letting her go and get on with her life with making babies and all, I went home.

It sure is a long drive from Orem to Salt Lake. Drowning my thoughts with Justin Timberlake’s new CD it wasn’t so bad.

All those stupid feelings I could choke down until the next time I have to go to my best friends wedding…


Guereca Family said...

Your writing is amazing (like always!) So who got married?

Rachel said...

Natalie Page...go figure!

Carrot said...

I dont know if I've made the best friends list yet; but if I have, dont worry...I wont be getting married for quite some time! I have the same "kid" problem! lol

HaLaine said...

Hahha! I have to laugh because of your dislike/phobia for children. It makes me giggle because my life is all about that!! But I love the indepedence you have and the smarts about making your life happen, and not letting life happen to you. And there you have it...