
Drum Roll PLEASE...

Last week the topic at my work was your "Top Five". I am sure everyone has heard of this, or may even have a list of your own. The question is: If you are able to have a one night stand with anyone who would it be? Actually taking this question seriously, isn't as easy as it seems. I'm afraid the wheels in my little head have been turning ever since people started coming up with their own answers. After much deliberation I have found my top five...

#5 - Ewan McGregor

#4 Christian Bale

#3 Gerard Butler

#2 Justin Timberlake - DUH!

and the number ONE is...

Brad Pitt! Let's keep in mind that I am talking about "Interview with a Vampire" Brad... only back then and only in that movie! Not that fightclub/troy/Ocean's 11 were bad either. You know how I feel about the whole Vampire thing.



HaLaine said...

Hahhaha! Hahhaha! Good choices indeed...

Shannon said...

Oh my gosh!!! I am so with you on Christian Bale & Ewan McGregor. Ever since I saw Newsies in the theatre I have swooned over Christian. Love him!!