
Don't Stop Believe'n

I'm trying to keep myself awake for the last stretch of work, so I thought I'd post some random things I believe that most people disagree with me on. Different opinions is what makes the world go round, right?

1 - I believe everyone should have the right to marry who they want. Honestly, I don't care who you marry as long as you are happy... and it isn't one of my many future ex husbands.

2 - I believe that if you are failing at something, it is your own fault. Not anyone else's. I get tired of hearing people get upset over something they had/have control over, and make excuses. I normally will not have sympathy for situations like that. You made you bed, deal with it.

3 - I believe that "white lies" are necessary in the world we are living in.

4 - I believe that public schools should teach sex education. So many parents argue that they should be the ones to teach their children about sex. But lets face the facts here, most people (especially in Utah) will not teach their kids what they need to know about it. Not even the consequences or facts of it all. I can't tell you how many people I know that are either clueless to sex, or only know what TV/kids at school say. For those kids who get jipped in the birds and bees talk, they are going to need a class that doesnt hold back, and says all of the facts. Sorry people, we are not living in the 19th century anymore.

5 - I believe everyone at some point in their lives thinks about cheating on the person they are with.

6 - I believe drinking coffee is not a sin.

7 - I believe that it is a mistake to marry someone without knowing them for at least a year.

8 - I believe there is no such thing as a true "bi-sexual" or "love at first sight". I also believe that if someone else thinks these things are true, they are in some serious self denial.

9 - I believe age does not matter when it comes to knowledge, but having more experiences does.

10 - I believe that every single little thing happens for a reason. We may not understand it when it happens to us, and may never understand it until after we die. But there is always a reason.

Happy Thursday!


MaryPosa said...

Yay for having opinions on things!

As for number 2? I couldn't agree more!! I am so freaking sick of people blaming external circumstances or other people for their own problems. If you got a D on a test? It's probably because you were watching basketball instead of studying or because you decided that other things were more important than going to class - NOT because your teacher "hates you" or because she didn't "explain things very well"

gah. ok anyway. you are kind of awesome. the end.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

drinking coffee IS a sin!!!! A HUGE ONE! YOU"RE GOING TO HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL. haha. I jest. love you!

Shawn said...

Well, I believe that I should teach everyone about sex. I never had a problem talking to my kids about it---even drew pictures---and they were mortified when I talked about it in front of their friends---heh, heh.

Sorry I have been so absent---been so swamped---I'll try to get back on track!
Love you, my darling girl!

HaLaine said...

I will so agree with all your things. Amen to that. I've thought about starting a grown-up sex-ed seminar. Whadda ya think? I think most women wouldn't resort to prozac if they were getting good nookie. Healing the World Through Nookie, I'll call it.