
Daddy Dearest

Let me tell you something about my dad.

He is a clean freak.

A big one. In my younger days while visiting him I'd always get a lecture on how I need to make the bed every day, put the dishes into the dish washer, scrub the walls with a hot washcloth. Now maybe you are thinking "Rachel, everyone does that." Not like him though. No matter how I helped him around the house, he always went back and did it himself. Once, while complaining that I never did any yard work I went outside and mowed the entire lawn. Less then an hour later my dad was out there mowing again because the lines were not straight enough in the grass.

Maybe it's because my mom raised me different. Sure she didn't let my room become a giant pool of filth, but was never worried with how many clothes I had on the floor. I did my chores like every other kid, and never was told I was doing it wrong. Instead of being on my case about chores, she was on my case about who I was hanging out with, when, where, how long, were my grades up to par?

It was a giant eye opening for me when I moved in with my dad after high school. I had absolutely no limits with doing what I wanted. I got into a bad habit of strolling into the house at six in the morning without a word of where I was. He never was concerned about where I was being 17, but if the carpet was not vacuumed that day I knew I was in for it. I can't even begin to describe the misery it has put our relationship through. I hate knowing that even if I cleaned things like he asked, it wouldn't be good enough. It never was good enough. Luckily so far this year I haven't received the famous "you're lazy" lecture but I have a feeling it is coming soon. I came home from the gym yesterday to find everything was scrubbed down in my room, the family room, and the bathroom.

Oh no! He has been down here! I think to myself.

I spend the rest of the night avoiding an awkward conversation at all costs, and went to bed early. I woke up this morning and got in the shower when I looked around...

He scrubbed down the walls in the shower? Oh I am so screwed when I talk to him next.

So, it looks like I know how my Friday night will be. Cleaning, and some type of threat to kick me out of the house if I don't work harder. I love my dad to death, but is all of this needed? I need to learn better how to manage cleaning the house, studying, working, working out, and hanging out with friends.

Better luck next time?


Carrot said...

I'll be up to help clean tomorrow....or to help strangle your dad...whichever is needed ;)

Shawn said...

I wish that he would come and clean MY house---it is super bad----no time to clean at all!!

Jen and Jaylie said...

he needs a chill pill....lol. Maybe your dad and my mom can get together and bitch about the two of us!

Brandon Wilde said...

It's ok now. I showed him how us real dirty bastards roll when I blew up that Dr. Pepper in the kitchen. Now he's probably just glad I don't live there. :)