
Pre-Valentine's Day

This year I'm really getting into the Valentine's day spirit! I've been working most of it since the beginning of this month, and it is already here! I decided to give in to the holiday and enjoy the crafts, chocolate, and heart shaped cookies. For work this year we had a department Valentine's day box contest. Working with a bunch of dudes means Jen or I are left to think of something to do and create it. I'm really proud of ourselves, I think we did a great job!

Isn't it adorable?! I spent most of my day yesterday cutting out hearts and making this. Although we didn't win the prize, I still had a great time. I need some nephews or nieces so I can help them do this project. I was in 4th grade all over again!

Also, I made sure all the guys at work had a little valentine today. Each one of them received a pretty princess card with a matching princess pencil to go with it.

Oh how I love to tease them.

I hope you all have a great weekend filled with horribly romantic Valentine's plans.

1 comment:

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

LOVE your valentines! We just had our romantic plans tonight-- Fancy French restaurant AND Neal had flowers delivered TO THE RESTAURANT! He's pretty amazing!