
Sleepless Night Part 2

I'm sure you were all curious about this - right?

Well it is sort of a long story, and I won't bore you with that. Just know a photographer named Djamila Grossman asked if Brandon and I would be in this project she is working on. She has been photographing people in their sleep. So, for some insane reason I said yes. I'm not sure why, but I'm always up for something different, especially in the name of art. She came over, set up her camera, and left. We spent the entire night trying to sleep with the lights on, and the camera taking a picture every minute (literally). Which my friends, is why I got almost no sleep that night. However, in a strange way the pictures turned out well. Take a look.


Shannon said...

Way cool! I like them!!

Anonymous said...

thats awesome! I am not as brave as you and would not have been able to say yes to that. I like the cuddle one :) probably just because i'm a cheesy hopeless romantic thats been in a long distance relationship WAY to long!!

Shawn said...

Hey! These are great!! Are you coming to lunch on MOnday?? Are you? Are you? I need my hug!!

HaLaine said...

That is so cool. Now I secretly want to see what I look like sleeping!!

Brandon Wilde said...

I dig it.