
SS Mayhem

Well, I did it. I walked right into that Social Security Office today and took the first step in changing my name. I figured I'd probably cave in sooner or later... so lets just get it over with now.

I'm surprised how much waiting you do there. I've heard all the stories, but you don't know until you've experienced it for yourself. The best part (sarcasm) was that when it was finally my turn to it took less then four minutes (I counted) to complete my request. Even though I spent over an hour and a half there. Great.

You also meet very amazing people there (sarcasm). They are so friendly, and their life stories are always so pleasant to listen to - because I just care so much about these new strangers. I had one very young mother there to get her babies social security card. Of course the baby cried, and she complained about how horrible everything was while her babies snot was running down the back of her shirt. Several times throughout the hour that I had the pleasure of sitting next to her, she would be complaining to her child and when someone announced a new number she would always turn to me and say,

"Did they just call out number six?"

Every time I would say no. Then when her number was actually called she just kept on talking to the person next to her until she almost lost her turn. Being the good citizen I am, I politely tapped her on the shoulder. She whipped around and gave me a nasty look asking what the f--- I wanted.

"Uh, they just called your number."


She looks up to the screen that we all have been staring at for far too long, to see a big flashing six across the screen. She grabs her babies things and runs over to the window before they called out the next number. Don't you just love helping strangers out? I sure do. I should have made her turn get skipped, just so I could get done faster.

Either way I have a strange story, and a new name to go with this silly Wednesday.


Heather said...

HAH! What a piece of work.

I am seriously impressed that you did it so soon. Kudos.

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

the SS office is GROSS! and I had to go TWICE and had almost 2 hours each time (somehow my first SS card never made it to me... grrrrrrrr) There was a lady next to me who wanted to change her SS number because she had just become religious and her number had 666 in it. awesome, right?!?

Erica Yates said...

Yeah.. I did that one by mail so I could get done faster. But when you decide to take the leap and change your drivers license, do it as soon as they open in the draper location. And the registration stuff is right across the hallway. I was in and out of registration in 10 minutes...then way too early to work. ;)

Heather said...

The sad thing is after 10 years I have yet to go to that place!! After hearing your story I think I will put it off for another 10!!:)