
Journal Love

Last night was the first night Brandon was home after starting his new driver position at UPS. Have I mentioned that? I have a husband who comes home at night and fixes me dinner so I don't starve. Since the beginning of Rachel + Brandon time we have never hung out on the weeknights because he is always working. Now that has all changed, and I like it.

While he was sleeping his life away I decided to write in my journal. I've kept one since I was 12 I think. To me it's very important to document your life, and be honest about it. Especially since after my mom died the journal she had was supa lame (sorry mom). She would have like one entry per year. Not kidding.

This is going off on some sort of strange tangent, but I had a really quirky title and idea of what to write on my blog last night. Of course that thought didn't come to me until 11:30 at night, and I can't seem to recall all that wittiness I came up with then. Why am I always coming up with creative and genius ideas in the middle of the night?

Anywho I was writing in my journal as to keep myself entertained and not wake up the husband. Then it hit me - I have WAY too many journals right now. I have my own personal journal, a marriage/love journal, and a dog journal. Yeah, I said it - a dog journal!

So I spent over an hour and a half writing in each one. Its all a haze really, I don't have the slightest idea of what I wrote in any of them. I guess I am obsessed with writing things down, it might come in handy one day.

Am I the only one out here in blog world that journals a lot, but still considers herself hip and cool and never uses the sentence "I'm going home to journal" even though she sort of wants to?

Anyone? Anyone?


Heather said...

I found my journal the other day and I have an entry the day I was married, the day Carlie was born and the day Cayden was born!! THAT WAS IT!! Yes, I am so grateful that I was at least smart enough to write in my journal on those occassions, that is until I started blogging! I obviously was not good at keeping a journal but I am so glad I have blogged because I have memories that I wouldn't have otherwise!! I only wish I would have started sooner:) I scrapbooked before blogging so it's not like I don't have anything I just think being able to have the pictures and thoughts just adds so much more!!

Amelia said...

I wish I had a good journal, but I am not good at thinking of things to write. My life seems so boring. And I don't think keeping a journal makes a person unhip or uncool. At least not in your case. ;)

Walt Sorensen said...

blogging has over taken and is our digital form of journaling now....

Jo said...

Hahaha love this. I looovee journaling. Just think of how amazing they will be to your kids and grandkids when. Ah, I'm obsessed with that thought.