
So Close/So Far Away

I would have graduated today. I would have been in a blue gown with my classmates, shaking some random persons hand and getting my degree. But, instead I'm sitting in my bed watching some dumb show.

I took a semester off last year to get married. Honestly I did it for all the right reasons, but I can't help but feel a knife in my stomach a little bit when I see my friends graduate before me.

I just am trying to have a pep talk with myself that sooner then I know it, I'll be graduating too. Sometimes it just seems so far away. Almost unachievable. I never thought I would be a college graduate. I have taken the long road that's for sure. Started out in a community college taking classes just to avoid paying rent at home. Had a few good classes, and a lot of crazy teachers. Then I took a intro to Vet Tech class, and knew I wanted to go farther. With the help of my parents I started at Broadview University at the end of 08.

If I look back on the road of my college life I am surprised how far I've gone. The worst is behind me, and my future is so close I could tongue it.

I only have one quarter left to go. A Vet Tech National Exam review class, and of course my externship. At the end of September I should be in that blue gown, shaking someones hand, and getting my degree.

It seems so close, but why does it feel so far away?


Amelia said...

It will be here before you know it! September is just around the corner practically! But I know how you feel. I took the long road as well and sometimes regret it. In the end, though, I think the decisions we make are for the best!

Heather said...

Can you imagine if you would have gone to school and planned a wedding!! You would have gone insane!!:) It will be here before you know it! After all, it is already almost Christmas (at least the stores think so)!!!!:)