Twilight Movie Geek Part II
I've been dreading to do this post because A: I feel its a waste of time and B: I don't have all the pictures.
I already started it so I must finish it no matter how painful it may be.
My sister and I got in line to see the movie on Thursday night around 8:30 and were like the 5th people in line for our showing.
They let us in the theater a little after nine so really there wasn't much waiting so that was nice. We met up with KaraLee and entertained ourselves with stupid crap until midnight arrived.
-NO the movie was NOT good.
-Yes I am embarrassed to admit that.
-Yes the movie was hysterical (but it's not intended to be funny).
-Yes it was purely ridiculous.
-No I can't stop laughing about it.
-Yes it had lots of slow motion, horrible special effects, and hilariously pathetic acting.
-Yes I was the girl in the theater who kept laughing at all the wrong times, and at all the wrong scenes.
-No you should not go see this movie.
-Yes your preteen daughters will love this movie
Lets just say its going to be a very long time until I pick up or do anything relating to the Twilight Saga! I'm all Twilighted out!
Growing Pains
How will I remember you when you're gone?
Eight simple words changing my life
You grabbed my left hand
slipping your ring onto my thumb
I'll always be right around you
I would normally laugh at how cheesy it was
If I wasn't so heartbroken
That was that
Nothing left to be said.
You were on a flight to Juno
I was right in the middle of second period
Months went by and I never forgot the ring
It was so big on my fingers
I knew I could handle whatever the day had for me
The ring reminding me of better days to come
Six months came and went
You were back
With a new squeeze
I should have known
I tried to give you back your ring
You hold on to it for now, I will come for it later.
I put it in the jewelry box
Hiding it away with all of the other memories
That I couldn't bare to remember
We had our break ups and make ups
I never once put the ring back on
But it was always there
Just waiting to be slipped on
I finally put my foot down
No more of you
No more of us
I finally moved on to someone new
Sure enough
There you were
I think I will come soon to get my ring back
The last words I would ever hear from your pretty mouth
I have it, whenever you want it.
You never came back and I never worried about it
Out of sight
Out of mind
My last breakup was hard
Bone crushing
Soul sucking
In my lost moment
The ring found me
Slipping it on
I was reminded that better things were to come
Every day since then I wore it
No one understood the meaning except me
Between just you and me
I would normally laugh at how cheesy it was
If I wasn't so heartbroken
Last night while sitting in my second class
My teacher started with the announcements
...before I forget there was a males ring found in this room
If it is yours come and claim it.
Eight simple words changing my life
You grabbed my left hand
slipping your ring onto my thumb
I'll always be right around you
I would normally laugh at how cheesy it was
If I wasn't so heartbroken
That was that
Nothing left to be said.
You were on a flight to Juno
I was right in the middle of second period
Months went by and I never forgot the ring
It was so big on my fingers
I knew I could handle whatever the day had for me
The ring reminding me of better days to come
Six months came and went
You were back
With a new squeeze
I should have known
I tried to give you back your ring
You hold on to it for now, I will come for it later.
I put it in the jewelry box
Hiding it away with all of the other memories
That I couldn't bare to remember
We had our break ups and make ups
I never once put the ring back on
But it was always there
Just waiting to be slipped on
I finally put my foot down
No more of you
No more of us
I finally moved on to someone new
Sure enough
There you were
I think I will come soon to get my ring back
The last words I would ever hear from your pretty mouth
I have it, whenever you want it.
You never came back and I never worried about it
Out of sight
Out of mind
My last breakup was hard
Bone crushing
Soul sucking
In my lost moment
The ring found me
Slipping it on
I was reminded that better things were to come
Every day since then I wore it
No one understood the meaning except me
Between just you and me
I would normally laugh at how cheesy it was
If I wasn't so heartbroken
Last night while sitting in my second class
My teacher started with the announcements
...before I forget there was a males ring found in this room
If it is yours come and claim it.
Looking at my naked thumb
I knew it was your ring
I thought about claiming it
I thought about keeping my last piece of you
Slipping it back onto its rightful place
For the first time I never noticed it was gone
Never felt the cold breeze touch my uncovered fingers
When I never spoke up to get the ring back
I was reminded that better things are to come
I knew it was your ring
I thought about claiming it
I thought about keeping my last piece of you
Slipping it back onto its rightful place
For the first time I never noticed it was gone
Never felt the cold breeze touch my uncovered fingers
When I never spoke up to get the ring back
I was reminded that better things are to come
Silent Truth
I tuck my pillow behind my right arm
kicking my left leg out of the sheets
taking in a deep breath
I toss to my left side
I curl into a ball
the blanket to my chin
only to lay on my back shutting my eyes
wishing my mind would take a rest
It's too hot
Throwing the blankets off my sweating body
taking a walk
It's too cold now
The tossing turning into frustration.
Just knowing...
It doesn't matter where I am
What type of thread count sheets I have
How many pillows surround me
I can't sleep without you.
kicking my left leg out of the sheets
taking in a deep breath
I toss to my left side
I curl into a ball
the blanket to my chin
only to lay on my back shutting my eyes
wishing my mind would take a rest
It's too hot
Throwing the blankets off my sweating body
taking a walk
It's too cold now
The tossing turning into frustration.
Just knowing...
It doesn't matter where I am
What type of thread count sheets I have
How many pillows surround me
I can't sleep without you.
Twilight Movie Geek Part I
Here we go again...
More Twilight crap...
I bought tickets for us to go see the movie at 12:15am this Thursday night. And in the spirit of being completely nerdy we made shirts. It worked so well the last time we made them we figured we better have something twilight. I bet you money we will be very dressed down for the occasion.
And last but no least...FANGS!
Sweet eh?
Bring on the movie!
More Twilight crap...
I bought tickets for us to go see the movie at 12:15am this Thursday night. And in the spirit of being completely nerdy we made shirts. It worked so well the last time we made them we figured we better have something twilight. I bet you money we will be very dressed down for the occasion.
Ma sista.
My favorite KaraLee
Mr Edward Cullen
Thinking up ideas.
Alyssa's genius mind at work
Alyssa sleeve finished. She did that with her own hand - crazy.
Somehow KaraLee suckered Alyssa to help with her shirt.
Here is the finished project of my t-shirt.
And last but no least...FANGS!
In the process of fixing fangs.
Sweet eh?
Bring on the movie!
Quirky Rachel
Just for fun here are some weird quirks, facts, or habits about myself right now.
1. I crave sushi and slushes all the time. Thats right, I crave having them together at the same time.
2. I can't clean without loud music, and some sick dance moves (on my part of course).
3. I have a very unhealthy obsession with Justin Timberlake and James Dean.
4. I read way too many trashy novels
5. Most days I do my makeup in the car
6. I set my alarm clock for six in the morning, then I hit the snooze button until eight. I don't know why I don't just set it for eight - its just a habit.
7. I am attracted to guys who are COVERED in tattoos. Like Travis Barker status.
8. I look at peoples shoes a lot. You can tell a lot by their shoes.
9. I listen to a lot more country then I would ever let others think I do.
10. The deepest heart felt conversations are always between Reggie and I.
11. If I go to the store to buy something I NEVER buy the first one on the rack. I always have to get the one that is two or three behind the first one.
12. I day dream constantly. At any given moment there is always some sort of story going through my head.
13. I have this massive collection of stuffed animals. I have them all stored away in boxes, I cant give them up though.
14. You could be my favorite person in the entire world, but if you try to talk to me within the first hour of when I wake up - I hate you.
15. I wish I had fangs (Nerd alert)
16. My Mom's brownies are by far my favorite dessert.
17. I have listened to Christmas music all this year. Even in the dead heat of July.
18. I will buy books I've never read before, but I will not buy movies I've never seen before.
19. I'd love to really sit down and do a huge cross stitching project.
20. I still get coloring books and color. Something about it is so peaceful.
2. I can't clean without loud music, and some sick dance moves (on my part of course).
3. I have a very unhealthy obsession with Justin Timberlake and James Dean.
4. I read way too many trashy novels
5. Most days I do my makeup in the car
6. I set my alarm clock for six in the morning, then I hit the snooze button until eight. I don't know why I don't just set it for eight - its just a habit.
7. I am attracted to guys who are COVERED in tattoos. Like Travis Barker status.
8. I look at peoples shoes a lot. You can tell a lot by their shoes.
9. I listen to a lot more country then I would ever let others think I do.
10. The deepest heart felt conversations are always between Reggie and I.
11. If I go to the store to buy something I NEVER buy the first one on the rack. I always have to get the one that is two or three behind the first one.
12. I day dream constantly. At any given moment there is always some sort of story going through my head.
13. I have this massive collection of stuffed animals. I have them all stored away in boxes, I cant give them up though.
14. You could be my favorite person in the entire world, but if you try to talk to me within the first hour of when I wake up - I hate you.
15. I wish I had fangs (Nerd alert)
16. My Mom's brownies are by far my favorite dessert.
17. I have listened to Christmas music all this year. Even in the dead heat of July.
18. I will buy books I've never read before, but I will not buy movies I've never seen before.
19. I'd love to really sit down and do a huge cross stitching project.
20. I still get coloring books and color. Something about it is so peaceful.
And there you have it.
Gay Marriage
Proposition 8 has been such a heated topic lately. I can't help but share my views on gay marriage. As most people know, I have a lot of family members who are close to me and gay, one of them being my own father. I feel like I have been on both sides of the fence on this issue, I also feel as though I could argue both sides as well. Finally after thinking about it and truly understanding where each are coming this is what I have come to believe...
America is called "The Land of the Free". It's this beautiful country where you can be who you want, vote for who you want, read what you want, watch what you want, think what you want. History has shown there have been many battles of what we believe is free or not. Such as interracial marriage, black rights, women suffrage. All of these heated issues that back in the day were so insaine. Most people these days would tell you interracial is marriage is fine, judging someone by there skin color is wrong and women deserve to vote and be in the work force just like everyone else - so what makes being gay so different?
I do believe that eventually the conservatives will no longer be able to fight this battle of banning gay marriage. I believe one day the generations behind us will not understand how closed minded we were to try and choose who someone can and can not get married to.
Before I really get your blood boiling please understand this. I am in no way trying to convince you or anyone else that being gay is right or that gay marriage is right either. That is your personal decision and I will respect it.
One of the gifts that no one can take away from another is free agency. God gave this to us for a reason. In the LDS religion our free agency is what proves what type of person you are and if eventually you will make it to the golden kingdom. No one besides God can tell you what will and will not get you there.
You nor I have the right to take away someones free agency regardless if you believe it is a wrong or a right choice. Every person should be able to make their own bed and lie in whatever mess they get themselves into (whether that being a good mess or bad). Telling someone who they can and cant marry is crazy! I will never understand how someone can justify that it is ruining the sanctity of marriage. If you are really going to pull that crap - marriage has already gone to crap anyway. Over half of the marriages never last and even a bigger percent of that are not faithful with each other. Sanctity of marriage is between you and your husband/wife. If gay people effect that well then, you probably better check to make sure you nor your partner are gay.
I believe God will be the ultimate judge on what is wrong and right. I feel people who try and control another person are trying to play God. You dont have to change your beliefs on what you view is morally right and wrong, but trying to control someone elses is pushing it.
Deep in my heart I know marriage will sooner or later be legalized in all 50 states. Yep, that even includes red blooded Utah *gasp*! I hope everyone can start getting use to the idea now, it might save a lot of grief!
XanGo Convention - Overdrive
Tonight as I rest my sore aching feet, I decided to do a little recap of the last week.
One of the biggest times of the year for XanGo is convention. Every year in November we head on up to the Salt Palace Convention Center to somehow organize, entertain, teach, inspire, and serve over 10,000 XanGo distributors. This year was my fourth one. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year. Trying to keep up with my normal job and spend half the week standing on my feet for hours a time really gets me cranky. Honestly, it is good to see and be reminded why I do what I do. I'm constantly reminded that what I do changes lives, even if I dont see it every day.
This year, I worked the juice bar in the XanGo store.
Da Juice Bar
The store is the fun part of convention. Every day distributors wait hours in line to run through the store like crazy people to get there XanGo SWAG, sales tools, sunglasses, and lets not forget free juice! I literally poured XanGo juice into little cups for three days straight. The hours usually are not too bad but Friday I was working from 9am until midnight just to wake up the following day and head up there again. I can now say I know what it feels like to work for 15 hours straight. I hope to never say that again.
I would have never made that shift if it were not for these amazing people...
From left to right is Lani, Jen, myself and Travis. If you ever get stuck working all day I highly recommend working with these peeps. They had me laughing and enjoying my time while I was there. Because, if you are having fun so are the customers.
Here are some pictures of the store.
This was right next to the juice bar - some tables to drink that cold Jesus juice!
I loved this shirt you cant really see it, so just trust me.
Bling! Bling!
Everything you need to be a XanGo gangsta.
Everything orange! Ah!
You have no idea how awesome these backpacks are.
XanGos new product this year a skin care line called Glimpse.
Inside the Glimpse store
Glimpse fountain.
Travis doing that pourin' thang!
Ben playing the wii
Jake and Redis
Me and T-Dawg
Mark, Jake, Redis, myself and Travis' OCD juice pattern.
Also, this year XanGo had aerialists in the middle of the juice bar doing amazing acts. Yeah, talk about talent.
Travis thinking he is a Pimp.
Thankfully today was the last day - I am burnt out. We served over 50,000 bottles of juice. Those distributors were drinking juice like it would save their souls. Good thing they think that - it keeps me a job.
Tonight, I am going to sleep like a rock.
It's Time For A Change
Last night Americas 44th president was selected. Barack Obama himself.
I just wanted to take out some time to say how proud I am to be an American. Watching history happen right before my eyes always amazes me. Only two generations before me was segregation still a heated issue. Now, we have our first black president. Being a Liberal myself, I am thrilled to have a democrat in office. I feel as though we need a change. The last few presidents keep doing the same old song and dance. I think although the economy is struggling now, eventually we will be back on our feet again. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I just wanted to take out some time to say how proud I am to be an American. Watching history happen right before my eyes always amazes me. Only two generations before me was segregation still a heated issue. Now, we have our first black president. Being a Liberal myself, I am thrilled to have a democrat in office. I feel as though we need a change. The last few presidents keep doing the same old song and dance. I think although the economy is struggling now, eventually we will be back on our feet again. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
A day that will go down in History!
What - a - day!
If I would have known what the day would have entailed for me, I may have never woken up. Who am I kidding? Today was amazing!
I woke up early this morning (and when I say early I mean 9am - give me a break its Saturday!) I bought pink paint last weekend to change the color of my room downstairs. It was in need of a face lift. So I woke up early this morning to move all my crap into another room so I could paint. The color before was really ugly. A mix between tan and grey.
My dad is one of the best painters I know so I let him take over while I went to get an oil change for my car. When I came back almost half the room was completed. And BOY was that PINK!!
I fell in love. It is completely my style. The whole room only took one coat and about an hour and a half to complete.
While moving all my junk my father noticed my old stinkin mattress was breaking down! I've had it probably since I was 14. Never noticed how broken and old it was until we took it apart. By some Jesus miracle my dad offered to buy me a new bed. I was floored. Pink walls and a new bed? Pinch me! We went to RC Willy where I found a pillow top serta mattress that was perfect! I can't believe I've gone all these years without one. I also went and bought me new sheets. The blood red I had before would not match the pink I have now so, blue it was.
I love how bright both my bathroom and now bedroom are. I had to take a picture to compare.
Afterward I met up with my friend Angel to get a pedicure and manicure. It has been so long since I have gotten one that it felt like bathing after camping for a week. Irreplaceable!
Later that night, my dad also bought Angel, Cory, himself, and me tickets to see the Rocky Horror Picture show showing at the old Tower Theater in downtown Salt Lake.
I've never seen the movie before, and damn was I in for a big surprise. Not only does it do a showing of the movie but actors are onstage acting the whole thing out. It was not a kids show by any means. Although some father brought his seven year old boy to the show. I am sure that kid will need more therapy after what he saw tonight. Most of the people dressed up according to the movie and were big fans of the show. I had so much fun. They had kits to buy that you could interact with the show by throwing water, cards, toast, and rice.
If you were a first timer of the show they called you a virgin and marked your face with a giant V. Before the show started they had all of the virgins come to the front of the stage to be "de-virgenized". Although all of us four have never seen the show, only Cory and I were brave enough to go to the front. The man with the mic (we will call him Bubba) then picked out five men and five women to come on stage with him.
Yep - thats right Bubba picked me to be one of the girls onstage. My heart started pounding because I had no idea what they had in store. All I knew was it was something I would rather be intoxicated for. Bubba then proceeds to tell the audience (of 150 + people) that the ladies were having an underwear contest. I about died. I looked right where my dad and friends were sitting at with a shocked look to say the least.
What was I going to do?
My dad was laughing he was pretty far away but I could see how red his face was. Bubba then proceed to say...
"Well on a normal night we have a underwear contest. However, tonight we have small children in the audience so I am going to rank this down to a rated R level..."
At this point I was thinking to myself - What the hell? You only live once right? I'm giving it my best shot.
"...Tonight - we are going to have a booty contest, I hope you ladies wore your underwear!"
The girl to my right about passed out. The curse words that left my mouth and the other girls around were less then lady like. What can you do though? I say Woman up and have some fun with it. The girl to my left got to go first. She was so annoyed with the situation that she quickly mooned the crowd with her black thong and stood to the side.
Lucky me - I was next. Bubba was giving me a hard time and dropped his cell phone in front of me.
"Oops - could you be a doll and pick that up for me?"
Like a champ I lowered my pants bent over and picked it up. The hootin and hallerin made me want to slither under a rock and die. I sure did give the crowd what they wanted with a few booty slaps.
I was so glad we were facing the stage instead of the audience because it would have been a lot harder for me to do. The other girls went and push come to shove I was the runner up. The girl that won didn't even moon anyone but she did do a damn good booty shake. How can a white girl like me compete with a black girls booty?
All I can say is thank God for Victoria secret underwear and that none of my friends brought cameras.
Just another great day to put down in the books.
Man I love my life!
If I would have known what the day would have entailed for me, I may have never woken up. Who am I kidding? Today was amazing!
I woke up early this morning (and when I say early I mean 9am - give me a break its Saturday!) I bought pink paint last weekend to change the color of my room downstairs. It was in need of a face lift. So I woke up early this morning to move all my crap into another room so I could paint. The color before was really ugly. A mix between tan and grey.
My dad is one of the best painters I know so I let him take over while I went to get an oil change for my car. When I came back almost half the room was completed. And BOY was that PINK!!
I fell in love. It is completely my style. The whole room only took one coat and about an hour and a half to complete.
While moving all my junk my father noticed my old stinkin mattress was breaking down! I've had it probably since I was 14. Never noticed how broken and old it was until we took it apart. By some Jesus miracle my dad offered to buy me a new bed. I was floored. Pink walls and a new bed? Pinch me! We went to RC Willy where I found a pillow top serta mattress that was perfect! I can't believe I've gone all these years without one. I also went and bought me new sheets. The blood red I had before would not match the pink I have now so, blue it was.
I love how bright both my bathroom and now bedroom are. I had to take a picture to compare.
Afterward I met up with my friend Angel to get a pedicure and manicure. It has been so long since I have gotten one that it felt like bathing after camping for a week. Irreplaceable!
Later that night, my dad also bought Angel, Cory, himself, and me tickets to see the Rocky Horror Picture show showing at the old Tower Theater in downtown Salt Lake.
I've never seen the movie before, and damn was I in for a big surprise. Not only does it do a showing of the movie but actors are onstage acting the whole thing out. It was not a kids show by any means. Although some father brought his seven year old boy to the show. I am sure that kid will need more therapy after what he saw tonight. Most of the people dressed up according to the movie and were big fans of the show. I had so much fun. They had kits to buy that you could interact with the show by throwing water, cards, toast, and rice.
If you were a first timer of the show they called you a virgin and marked your face with a giant V. Before the show started they had all of the virgins come to the front of the stage to be "de-virgenized". Although all of us four have never seen the show, only Cory and I were brave enough to go to the front. The man with the mic (we will call him Bubba) then picked out five men and five women to come on stage with him.
Yep - thats right Bubba picked me to be one of the girls onstage. My heart started pounding because I had no idea what they had in store. All I knew was it was something I would rather be intoxicated for. Bubba then proceeds to tell the audience (of 150 + people) that the ladies were having an underwear contest. I about died. I looked right where my dad and friends were sitting at with a shocked look to say the least.
What was I going to do?
My dad was laughing he was pretty far away but I could see how red his face was. Bubba then proceed to say...
"Well on a normal night we have a underwear contest. However, tonight we have small children in the audience so I am going to rank this down to a rated R level..."
At this point I was thinking to myself - What the hell? You only live once right? I'm giving it my best shot.
"...Tonight - we are going to have a booty contest, I hope you ladies wore your underwear!"
The girl to my right about passed out. The curse words that left my mouth and the other girls around were less then lady like. What can you do though? I say Woman up and have some fun with it. The girl to my left got to go first. She was so annoyed with the situation that she quickly mooned the crowd with her black thong and stood to the side.
Lucky me - I was next. Bubba was giving me a hard time and dropped his cell phone in front of me.
"Oops - could you be a doll and pick that up for me?"
Like a champ I lowered my pants bent over and picked it up. The hootin and hallerin made me want to slither under a rock and die. I sure did give the crowd what they wanted with a few booty slaps.
I was so glad we were facing the stage instead of the audience because it would have been a lot harder for me to do. The other girls went and push come to shove I was the runner up. The girl that won didn't even moon anyone but she did do a damn good booty shake. How can a white girl like me compete with a black girls booty?
All I can say is thank God for Victoria secret underwear and that none of my friends brought cameras.
Just another great day to put down in the books.
Man I love my life!
This is Halloween
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