Proposition 8 has been such a heated topic lately. I can't help but share my views on gay marriage. As most people know, I have a lot of family members who are close to me and gay, one of them being my own father. I feel like I have been on both sides of the fence on this issue, I also feel as though I could argue both sides as well. Finally after thinking about it and truly understanding where each are coming this is what I have come to believe...
America is called "The Land of the Free". It's this beautiful country where you can be who you want, vote for who you want, read what you want, watch what you want, think what you want. History has shown there have been many battles of what we believe is free or not. Such as interracial marriage, black rights, women suffrage. All of these heated issues that back in the day were so insaine. Most people these days would tell you interracial is marriage is fine, judging someone by there skin color is wrong and women deserve to vote and be in the work force just like everyone else - so what makes being gay so different?
I do believe that eventually the conservatives will no longer be able to fight this battle of banning gay marriage. I believe one day the generations behind us will not understand how closed minded we were to try and choose who someone can and can not get married to.
Before I really get your blood boiling please understand this. I am in no way trying to convince you or anyone else that being gay is right or that gay marriage is right either. That is your personal decision and I will respect it.
One of the gifts that no one can take away from another is free agency. God gave this to us for a reason. In the LDS religion our free agency is what proves what type of person you are and if eventually you will make it to the golden kingdom. No one besides God can tell you what will and will not get you there.
You nor I have the right to take away someones free agency regardless if you believe it is a wrong or a right choice. Every person should be able to make their own bed and lie in whatever mess they get themselves into (whether that being a good mess or bad). Telling someone who they can and cant marry is crazy! I will never understand how someone can justify that it is ruining the sanctity of marriage. If you are really going to pull that crap - marriage has already gone to crap anyway. Over half of the marriages never last and even a bigger percent of that are not faithful with each other. Sanctity of marriage is between you and your husband/wife. If gay people effect that well then, you probably better check to make sure you nor your partner are gay.
I believe God will be the ultimate judge on what is wrong and right. I feel people who try and control another person are trying to play God. You dont have to change your beliefs on what you view is morally right and wrong, but trying to control someone elses is pushing it.
Deep in my heart I know marriage will sooner or later be legalized in all 50 states. Yep, that even includes red blooded Utah *gasp*! I hope everyone can start getting use to the idea now, it might save a lot of grief!
I am glad that you have your opinions. I have always liked how you try to be fair.
BUT....this is why your mom shouldn't be reading her daughters blog..... :)
Love ya
i sure do think that comic is funny.
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