
Twilight Movie Geek Part II

I've been dreading to do this post because A: I feel its a waste of time and B: I don't have all the pictures.

I already started it so I must finish it no matter how painful it may be.

(I love how I just pop up and ruin every photo somehow)

My sister and I got in line to see the movie on Thursday night around 8:30 and were like the 5th people in line for our showing.

They let us in the theater a little after nine so really there wasn't much waiting so that was nice. We met up with KaraLee and entertained ourselves with stupid crap until midnight arrived.

-NO the movie was NOT good.
-Yes I am embarrassed to admit that.
-Yes the movie was hysterical (but it's not intended to be funny).
-Yes it was purely ridiculous.
-No I can't stop laughing about it.
-Yes it had lots of slow motion, horrible special effects, and hilariously pathetic acting.
-Yes I was the girl in the theater who kept laughing at all the wrong times, and at all the wrong scenes.
-No you should not go see this movie.
-Yes your preteen daughters will love this movie

Lets just say its going to be a very long time until I pick up or do anything relating to the Twilight Saga! I'm all Twilighted out!


Unknown said...

So the twilight game is sad... as you loved it so. But really what i am here for, is I love your new sassy blog layout. You rock. The end.

Shawn said...

Love your new "star" look! I need it for my theatre page!

You are a star...

And I hate to tell you this, but I didn't even like the book, so I am bad, I guess. Didn't like her writing. And I laughed at the movie previews!! So funny!

So---I guess this means that I won't be going? :)