
Halloween '09

This year I was suckered into hosting my first Halloween party. I get anxiety over doing parties because I'm always convinced not a lot of people will come and it will be boring. Luckily this year I pulled it off (with flying colors if I say so myself)! A lot of people came and had a great time from what I saw. Brandon and I spent the day decorating.

This really is just going to be a picture overload of some of the awesome costumes people came in. Thank in advance to Brandon for letting me take some of his pictures as well.

[Miss Piggy and Superman]

[Sexy teacher and a ninja turtle]

[The spirit]

[My favorite hippy]

[Ghost busters and their handmade costumes]

[The police officer and black mail]

[Helga and Miss Muffet]

[The sexy pregnant school girl, cool nerd, and ref]

[Sexy prego school girl and jail breaker]

[Fairy, hobo clown, and the mad scientist]

[The spirit and Miss Muffet]

[Jen, Ninja Turtle, Angel, and Miss Muffet]

[Everyone lounging around]

Reggie this year was a bumble bee.

He didn't have a problem wearing the costume, until he found out that wings were hanging off the side of him. Once he discovered that, the fun was over.

On actual Halloween night I kicked back with Brandon and Trent and made some caramel apples while watching Halloween movies.

Over all, I'd say it was an awesome Halloween this year. I'm grateful for everyone who came and made it awesome. I wonder how I'll top it for next year?


Heather said...

Sounds like it was a great party!! The decorating and costumes looked awesome!:)

susette said...

How fun!! I just wish I had one of those yummy looking caramel apples. I never got one this year :(