
I'm Thankful

For all of you who don't already know Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. Sometimes it reminds me how dysfunctional my family can get (ok, really that's all it reminds me of every year). I normally try to avoid it at all costs. I don't like to eat turkey, pie, or yams, so when I am around for Thanksgiving I'm the one with only mash potatoes and stuffing on my plate sitting at the little kids table.

Awesome right?

I think one of my favorite Thanksgivings was when I was in Las Vegas eating at a seafood buffet. No awkward family situations, no having to explain what I've been up to for the last year, or what I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Nope. Just me, and Larry the Lobster staring up at me.

Last year I was ditched by my entire family. No lie. My dad and his boyfriend went up to some cabin (even after some shameless begging on my end), and my mom and family went to Colorado for their Thanksgiving. It was sort of this weird tradition with my mom, I just couldn't swallow my pride enough to go there again (stupid me). My mom did call me. She always called me on Thanksgiving, no matter how far away she was. I did have a good time with Trent's family who were kind enough to invite me. And although I didn't escape the awkward family questions, I did have a good time.

Well, this year I'm going to have to suck it up with my bah-humbug Thanksgiving ways. My Aunt, Uncle, and cousins from Colorado are coming this year to see us and my dad will be in town this year as well. I will be juggling two Thanksgivings and that isn't even including Brandon's family.

I'm trying to have a positive attitude about all of this. What better way to start then listing off things I am thankful for?

  • First off I am thankful for my mother who raised me to be a good person. To treat people with kindness (although I fail at this sometimes), forgive those who are unkind, and to look at life eye to eye and believe that in the end everything works out.
  • I'm thankful that I have a house to live in, a car that works, a job that pays me, and the education I am getting at my school
  • I'm thankful for my other two parents. Dad #1 and Dad #2. They both love me more then I deserve, and at the end of the day are there for me when I need them.
  • I'm thankful for my siblings who cry, laugh, yell, and dream with me. I know when I'm around them I am not alone.
  • I'm thankful for Trent who has become whole heartily one of the best friends I've ever had. He listens to my problems and is always there when I need someone to lean on.
  • I'm thankful for midol, especially on days like today.
  • I'm thankful for a country that fights for my rights.
  • I'm thankful for Brittni and her big heart.
  • I'm thankful for Reggie who is always waiting for me when I come home. He is always ready to lick my face off and jump on me. I'd be lost without him.
  • I'm thankful for books that let me escape for a few hours.
  • I'm thankful for KaraLee who shows me how to be a better person, and loves me for who I am.
  • I'm thankful for Brandon who would drop everything to be there for me, and reminds me life is worth living.
  • I'm thankful for my ipod that keeps my ears occupied 24/7
  • I'm thankful for opportunities to help others.
  • I'm thankful for my health.
  • I'm thankful for anyone or anything that has made me laugh.
  • I'm thankful for holidays where I can relax and remember what is more important in life.

Ok, I could really go one forever, but I won't ramble on any longer.

I'm curious. What are you thankful for?


Trent said...

im thankful for this post. really. it made me very very happy. and i love you very much. im also thankful for a long list of things: YOU, my family, a job, prayer, my kitty who lets me cuddle with her, and tina fey (i watched baby mama tonight, what do you expect). The list goes on. but this is your blog, so ill shut up now :)

Brandon Wilde said...

I am thankful for you, for starters, for reasons that would take far too long to list here. I'm thankful for my family and my friends who have put up with me for a very long time. I'm thankful that I have a job and a house to live in. I'm thankful for my kitties who keep me company in my house. I'm thankful for life itself, and this world to live it in.

That's just the beginning.