
Dear Mom,

Mom! I'm getting married in 18 days! How did any of this happen? I'm still unsure, but basically everything is done for the wedding. I only have a few things to do here and there, so I think for the most part everything is done. It is just a waiting game now. Of course the closer things get the more nervous I get. I wish you were here to give me some amazing advice. So I just have conversations with you in my head. When I get freaked out I pretend what you would say to me.

"Everyone feels scared at this point, I know I did. Brandon is the right one for you, and you are not making a mistake. You've just seen a lot in your life, which makes this harder on you then most people will understand."

This weekend was spent getting things for the condo. Yes, we are living in his condo. Don't get me started on that, but I am trying to make the best of it. We picked out paint, and dad offered to paint for us. You know what a great painter he is - so I'm letting him do his thing. I even got a bed for the place. Brandon and I went to ikea to look around, as luck would have it the exact one I wanted was there in stock, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Every time I go there though, I do think of you. I know how much you loved that place, and how many hours I was stuck there with you. Anyway, the bed looks like this

I love it too, there is extra storage in the headboard. Oh ikea, it sure does know what I need sometimes. So things are looking up. I'm starting to get excited about moving, and starting a new life. I'm not sure how well Reggie will do, but I'm trying to stay positive about that. I'm sure he will adjust, just like me.

The holidays are just around the corner too. I'm already thinking about Halloween. Maybe I'll even do another party like last year - it was a blast. Anyway, I miss and love you terribly. I hope everything is good on your end.



Heather said...

I can't believe it is finally here...almost!!:) I know it isn't where you wanted to be starting out but you just have to remember, no matter where you live it is what you make it (painting, decorating, putting all of your things in it, etc.) will make it "home"!!:)

Brandon Wilde said...

I'm super excited for you and Reggie to come live with me. It is scary, but I'm ready. And the condo is getting ready too. :)