
Conquering the demon pile of clothes

I will admit it, the last couple of weeks I have slacked off with my busy schedule in keeping my room clean. It actually doesn't take much to make my room dirty. It is such a small space anything that is slightly out of place looks wrong. I have started this nasty habit of cleaning my clothes, placing them on the side of my bed, wearing them, washing them, and putting them back on the bed. Somehow I always miss the step of folding them and putting them in the drawers.

Last night I was sick of it though! Sick of not being able to find what I want to wear. Sick of sharing my bed with piles of clothes! So I decided suck it up and show them who is boss!

First step was folding. I HATE folding. Why does this always seem so hard?

I also get very side tracked with other things. One was Reggie of course. Lately he has been pulling this old black XanGo blanket I have on my bed to the floor so he can lay on it. I have spent many late nights fighting with him over the blanket. He always ends up winning because eventually I fall asleep and he sneaks it from my bed to sleep in. Last night I caved and let him keep it in his bed. Spoiled dog!

However after much screwing around time I finally finished the project and put all the clothes in my dresser. Success is sweet!

Final Score
Pile of clothes - three weeks on the bed.
Rachel - One night with the entire bed to herself.

I know, I will be a horrible house wife.


Shawn said...

You go, girl!! I am just having the hardest time getting my house clean!

I can't seem to find a place for everything and it drives me crazy---so its about panic time as I have guests on Christmas Eve---HELP!!

Trent said...

whatever, i bet the piles still there. that picture without the clothes was taken before wasnt it?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's just super sad. lol!