For a class I am taking they had us take this massive test about our personalities. I seriously spent over an hour completing the test. Last Friday in class however we received our results. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Apparently you are put into a color category. Mine was... you guessed it, yellow. Yellow is for inspirer. With the results we got a shirt, wrist band and a folder to keep all the information in, all yellow (which is awesome because I never wear yellow).
Here are some of the results. The stuff in bold is what really stood out to me and hit my personality right on the nose - be forewarned that this is a LONG post... good luck.
Rachel has high energy and is always striking out in a forward direction. She follows her impulses, moving strongly towards her goal. She feels that work should be enjoyable, or it is probably not worth doing. Work that is purely practical or work that leaves her on her own for long periods can make her irritable. She can benefit from learning and applying time management and personal organisation skills, rather than just giving the impression of having mastered the system. She usually has a theory that will explain everything. She may not necessarily prefer innovative solutions over established ones but is adept at seeing situations from an unusual perspective. Rachel is curious for new ideas and insights. Rachel enjoys working with complex problems and is unceasing in her persuit of mastering anything she finds intriguing. She is always interested in seeing the possibilities, particularly in people, beyond the present moment. She is a good improviser who will go to great lengths to please others. Her speed of articulation may generate a few rough edges in conversation. She has started many interesting projects in her time, but has finished considerably fewer. Rachel radiates goodwill and enthusiasm. She is optimistic about life in general and human potential in particular. She is an enthusiastic innovator, who is dynamic, assertive and interested in success and the status that it can bring. She is an imaginative and creative visionary who is a source of inspiration to most. Routine is the real bad news for her, and it may sap her energy. Seen by many as a gifted and natural leader, she has an entrepreneurial rather than a functional management style. She can become the ideal representative of whatever group of people she values. Her self-esteem depends upon recognition for her performance and she may consciously seek to project a positive image. Her aim is to fit all the pieces of the jigsaw together into a complete picture, but for Rachel the jigsaw keeps expanding with the discovery of every new piece. She prefers to improvise on the spot and get started right away, instead of preparing and planning ahead. Rachel's natural intuition, fed by a drive to discover, brings with it the readiness to work long and hard in the pursuit of an ongoing dream. She finds it frustrating to do a lot of detail work or attend to practical matters for long periods. Dealing with red tape can be especially difficult. She is less suited to work that ties her down to routine details. She finds it hard to concentrate for long periods on this kind of work, becoming bored and frustrated. Gifted with clarity of though and articulation, Rachel is an excellent communicator and presenter. When she becomes charged with a mission to fulfil, once that possibility is recognised, she needs to consider the details and possible options before proceeding. Rachel is interested both in possibilities beyond what is already obvious and in the ways that these possibilities might affect others.
I really found this entire thing interesting. And this isn't even HALF of what that packet talks about. This thing is huge and very detailed. I think one of the ways to succeed in life is to really understand who you are. From there you can be the best you can be.
Personal Style
Interacting with Others
The easy-going nature and good humour that Rachel displays makes her an attractive companion. Consequently she is known by a large number of people and enjoys a wide circle of acquaintances. She can be very vocal about social or people issues that concern her and can often be seen as the underdog's "champion". Shifting attention inward for long periods may produce anxiety for her as she prefers to look outward towards others for her emotional security. She may sometimes present herself as an "expert", fully knowledgeable on a subject and eager to educate others about it. This can sometimes prove embarrassing when challenged by a more qualified expert. Rachel's preferred focus is on the positive, harmonious and uplifting aspects of people and human relations. Bringing enthusiasm and energy to most activities, she can turn a dull managerial task into a game by using her persuasiveness and creativity to maintain the interest and commitment of others. Rachel is outgoing and makes things more fun for others by her pure and unreserved enjoyment of the moment. Visualising future programmes or outcomes that seem impossible now, she may well see them come to fruition moths or even years later. Remarkably insightful and perceptive, Rachel cares about the development of others. She may frequently rebel against the rules and in so doing will strongly resist attempts by others to regulate her behaviour. She can take issue with both colleagues and superiors but is unlikely to bear a grudge for long. A creative thinker, Rachel is generally warm, enthusiastic and confident of her own abilities. She makes stimulation company with her witty and interesting conversational style. She does not appreciated critical comments about her personal qualities as she sees these comments as personal attacks on her integrity. Seen as adaptable, she has the ability to adapt to various work roles and to compliment the characteristics of the current work group. She has a tendency to blame other people for difficulties she encounters and may sometimes dismiss others' opinions as a relatively little or no value.
Decision Making
Rachel expresses what she thinks are strong, decisive opinions in the hope that unresolved issues and conflicts can be concluded quickly. She is prepared to make decisions through grouped consensus. She is stimulated by difficulties and is most ingenious in solving them. She may be thinking of so many things that her decisions may on occasion appear to be ill-considered. People occasionally see Rachel making decisions that appear to fly in the face of logic. Sometimes she makes poor choices by getting involved with too many things at once. She has the ability to appear to listen to other people's viewpoints but may not necessarily be hearing or intending to action them. She may get bored quickly and tend to ignore significant details in her desire to move on to more exciting things. Her occasional failure to face up to disagreeable facts can mean that problems are sometimes ignored rather than solutions sought. Work that uses her ideas to improve or start a project suits her, but once these ideas get off the ground she prefers someone else to carry on with the details. Her direct, sometimes erratic approach tends to work against her being totally consistent on a day to day basis. Rachel finds problems stimulating and is ingenious in tackling complex situations. She is driven to think up many alternatives for a project of system due to her ability to constantly see the big picture. She prefers to make decisions based on "gut feel" rather than on exhaustive and repetitive analysis. She prefers tasks or projects which allow flexibility of scheduling. Because she finds the information gathering part of a project the most tedious, she runs the risk of never getting past the "start" phase, or once started, never completing.
Rachel's possible weaknesses
* Generally impulsive and overlooks important items.
* May open her mouth and fall in.
* Dislikes and avoids routine tasks.
* Fails to recognise the finer nuances.
* Has difficultly delegating. Likes to do it herself.
* Finds it difficult to say "no" if relationships are being threatened.
* Can appear insincere.
* May have difficulty in sorting important issues due to various competing interests.
* May prepare inadequately or poorly.
* May appear superficial or glib.
Rachel's possible strengths
* Zest for the people and things around her.
* Will try anything at least once.
* Articulate and active in communication.
* A natural go-getter with great enthusiasm for life.
* Will look for the good in people and events.
* Highly resourceful around people.
* Interactive and inspirational approach.
* Provides involvement and participation in direction.
* Sees innovation as a necessity.
* Understands the importance of "style" in presentation.
I really found this entire thing interesting. And this isn't even HALF of what that packet talks about. This thing is huge and very detailed. I think one of the ways to succeed in life is to really understand who you are. From there you can be the best you can be.
I always knew you were a yellow! I guess now its officially confirmed :)
Hmm, I wonder if it's the same test as the "Color Code" book test....weird. In that book yellow means care-free and bubbly, along with many other things. I'm a red/blue...power hungry, step on your toes and then feel bad about it later. Sucky!
ha ha - I have taken that test and was exactly a red/yellow.
Go figure.
i got a yellow shirt at the concert on monday! and it is the first yellow shirt ive ever owned in my life. so...yeah, i dont really wear yellow either. but moral of story: we should rock our yellow togetha! woot woot.
Wow - that is very detailed. Which personality test was this one? I've done so many of them. They're always fun!
Dude. I'm yellow too. All they way yellow.
Wow! This was so cool!! I took a color test once, and I was a Red/yellow. But I'm glad that I didn't have a t-shirt to go with it, cause I look BAD in yellow!!
But you, my dear, are gorgeous in that color! So, now you know!
I try to avoid these kind of color tests. They never have anything good to say about me. Therefore I choose to think of myself as Burnt Umber with some Brilliant Rose polka dots, and a violent streak of Cerulean Blue (It's like a gentle breeze in your face).
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