
The Return Of ExA1

My PIC* (aka my best girlfriend KaraLee) and I last Wednesday got to talking.

"What are you doing this weekend?"

"I don't have too much planned. We should do something."

"OH YEAH! Wolverine comes out on Friday night - we HAVE to see that!"

"Ooo good idea. I'll get the tickets. Girls night out!"

After 48 excruciating hours of seeing Hugh Jackman all greased up in my thoughts, the day had finally come. Us girls made it to the theater about a half an hour before the show started. While opening the doors to get inside I first noticed the massive line swerving around the lobby - all of them waiting to be seated. While I was still on my tiptoes trying to see above all the people I hear Miss PIC ask...

"What is this line for?"

I turned around thinking she was talking to me when I saw him --- My ex boyfriend from high school** (who we will call ExA1 for short), and KaraLee was directly speaking to him.


My first reaction was to stare at him and the two girls he was with. I believe KaraLee and ExA1 had a few more words exchanged before she stood in line behind him. Finally my thought process was actually able to make it into the logical side of my brain. Once it did, I instantly ducked my head and hid behind KaraLee. I then proceeded to tug on her sleeve like a 4-year-old girl.

"Pssst...Tobler! You know the guy in front of us?"

"The one I was just talking to?"

"Yeah, totally my ex boyfriend from high school. This is a little awkward."

"WHAT?!? EW! I can't believe you dated that guy!" (Ha ha - if she only knew)

Even though I didn't look at him I could feel his stare on me. I thought I was going to get away without speaking to him once the line started to move. The girls he was with then hit the bathroom and as soon as they were out of ear shot he was right next to me.

"Your name isn't Rachel is it?"

"Yep, thats me. You are ExA1 right?"

"Yeah cool - I was just talking to Natalie about you. She says you are in the big SLC now."

Conveniently at this point my PIC has to use the bathroom, and leaves me alone with ExA1. I NEVER know what to do in these situations. You'd think I'd be a master by this time, because this seems to happen to me often. After a few awkward questions and him letting me know he is still the same loser I dated back in high school he said...

"See you around heart breaker."

"Oh" *insert awkward laugh here* "Did Natalie call me that when you talked to her?"

"No, I know that by experience."

And then he WALKED AWAY! Walked away! He called me a heart breaker and left. I felt so awkward in that theater with people rushing in to find a seat. I also felt paralyzed. I stood there thinking...

That guy just called me heart breaker! I'm going to smash his nose in!

The fact is, I probably deserved that - if not more for the way I treated him when we dated. I did some things to that boy that no one deserves to go through as innocent as he was. The past is the past but I obviously left a bitter taste in his mouth after all these years to come back and say that to me. I ended up talking to my friend Natalie that night asking if she had talked to him recently about me. She let me know about a year ago they ran into each other and he asked about me, but that was it.

Luckily, my PIC was back, and I forgot all about ExA1 as soon as greased up Hugh Jackman came on the big screen.

*Partner-In-Crime, aka KaraLee Tobler. The best friend a girl could ask for.
**Reason 362,842 why I hate Utah County. I run into everyone there.


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

haha. running into ex's is always awkward! Every time I run into Trent it's like "uhhhhhhhh" you know?

by the way... I don't know if you want to call Brandon the guy you are previously dating.. don't you mean CURRENTLY dating? just sayin.

Shawn said...

Oh yeah---that was awkward and what a insensitive and immature thing for him to say to you. Wha?

Glad you had Hugh to soothe you.... :)

Shannon said...

Oh man, good ole Utah County. I'm praying that I won't ever have a run in with my ex boyfriend.