
Brownie Points

This post has been a year in the making, and I feel the need to take some time out to remember it.

On October 25th 2008 I was a nervous wreck. I woke up early, even though it was a Saturday. Running into the bathroom I checked my face out. Great, is that a pimple on my forehead? It doesn't matter now. Today is today, and there is no turning back.

To get my mind off things I spend my morning cleaning and helping my dad around the house. He often gives me a hard time about my anxiety. When we went to lunch he couldn't help but notice my lack of an appetite.

"Whats so stressful about this one?" He asks me.

"I don't know, it just feels different this time." I reply.

Before I knew it the time had come, he was here whether I liked it or not. The door bell rang, and I tried to block out the giggling and window peaking upstairs. When I opened the door the first thing I saw was bright blue eyes. I then noticed his clothes and immediately started looking at his eyes again (ha ha).

He opened my door - brownie points.

We went to the Utah Museum of Fine Arts for our first date.

He thought of something more original then dinner and a movie - brownie points.

We both seemed nervous, but once we got to looking around our conversation just started to flow. We laughed, commented, and admired all sorts of art there.

He didn't crowd me, or talk my ear off - brownie points.

After seeing all there was at the museum, we went to a near by training table for dinner. We both ordered and sat down.

He didn't argue with me on paying for the food - brownie points.

And although his eating habits were a little sloppy, I was intrigued by his life and stories that he told so well.

He had me laughing - brownie points.

I don't think I've had a better first date then that. How lucky am I that he kept me around for an entire year? Although I am opposed to doing "anniversary" things before you are married, Brandon insisted I let him take me out on a date. We went to color me mine where we painted each other mugs.

before after

It was fun to relax for a few hours and just paint. Apparently we have an art theme to uphold in future years.

On a more serious note Brandon is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. We have been through more then any young couple deserves to go through. Because of that we are stronger then I have ever seen for a young couple. This love is nothing like I thought it would be. We don't have dramatic fights. No need to confess our love for one another. Life seems a lot easier when he is around. I feel like I can do whatever I want and he wouldn't hold me back. There are no boundaries or limitations with us, only blue skies ahead. For the first time I know what love feels like. It isn't a lightening bolt of love. It is time and consistency that over a while grows like a callus on your heart. Once you notice the new addition to your heart, there is no removing it without being permanently scarred.

Just the other night while at school I passed a pharmacology math test I never thought I would be able to defeat. I burst with joy while running to my car then stopped suddenly when I remembered I couldn't call my mom to tell her the good news. I fell to my knees in a dark parking lot next to my car and sobbed. I wanted to call her worse then anything else on this earth. I wanted to hear her jump up and down and scream for joy over me accomplishing something we both worked so hard to achieve. As I got into my car I talked to her, and told her that I was doing it! I was living our dream, I was very much alive and had many things to be thankful for. For the first time out loud I told my mom Brandon meant everything to me. This was no longer puppy love, he was the one I wanted to spend my forever with. I put all my eggs in his basket, jumped in with both feet, and have no regrets. I told her I was sorry he took her spot in a weird way, but that she was always going to be my mother. No one could take her away from that. Once I whispered her those words I felt an urge to call Brandon and celebrate my math conquering! Brandon brings me hope, a desire to be more then what I am now. I owe him everything.

Here is to another gazillion years of us, if he will keep me around that long.



Hannah Neville McMillan said...

CUTE post! he sounds like a keeper. oh, and I LOVE the training table. Double date over christmas?!?!?

susette said...

What a tender moment you had in the parking lot. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. Nobody at your age should have to be without a mama. Your boyfriend sounds like a jewel. I hope you hang on to him :)

Shannon said...

Oh how sweet!! I've never met Brandon, but it sounds like he's definitely a keeper. I'm glad he makes you so happy!! You deserve it!!

Heather said...

I think you are truly in love when the other person makes you want to be a better person and makes you happy! When you can't imagine your life without that other person then you know for sure!:) Sounds like you have found that:) I love the mugs! What a fun idea:)

HaLaine said...

I love that you wrote this post. This guy is a gem. And you are a gemette. And you need to spend a zillion years making each other happy. End. of. Story.