
A Memorial Weekend

First off - I'm sorry people. My blogging has slipped down the tube. Hopefully as life starts to calm down, more posts will come.

My memorial weekend was great! Utah weather was finally on my side, and it started of with my sister graduating. Whoa!?

There were many barbeque's and reasons to celebrate. So I did, almost every single day. Of course me and the family visited mom to hopefully brighten up her day as well.

Obviously she is very missed. I also made time to get engagement pictures done with Brandon and the very talented Michael Witlbank. I had this crazy idea to take our pictures out in the middle of the Bonneville Salt Flats. I went once last year, and it is so strange, I felt like it had to be done. Luckily for me Michael let me be crazy and came out with us. I brought all sorts of weird props, and Wiltbank sure was a champ about my interesting ideas.

The downside to a day at the Salt Falts is this...

Brandon, Michael and I were literally fried by the time we got home. I am still red, but at least the burning sensation has left. I can't complain though, because what we ended up with looks a little something like this...

Fancy eh? I can't wait to see the rest!


Heather said...

The time is winding down, man! Hooray!

The pictures with Michael are gonna be awesome; I'm pumped to see them! He is always a great sport about fun and unique ideas. We had a bunch of fun stuff planned, but then schedules didn't work out so I'm a bit bummed, especially now that I see how awesome yours are!

susette said...

Cool engagement picture!!

Hey!! I recognize the cute boy with your sister. His name is Jeff Lewis and I taught him piano for 8 years. Isn't that crazy?? Small world. Jeff is a good kid. Your sister has a swell friend there.

Shannon said...

OOOH LA LA! I LOVE the shot of you two on the Salt Flats - BEAUTIFUL!

Brandon Wilde said...

It was a grand weekend. I have nearly recovered.