


20-30 year old male or female as a friend companion. One who understands it takes a great amount of effort to be a true friend. Must be able to know how to do the following; call on a regular basis, listen to my lame life, offer great advice, let me into their lives, plan "friend dates" for just the two of us every once in a while, not fall off the face of the earth when you obtain a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife, watch comedy romance movies, tell each other everything (even the stuff I might cringe over), get pedicures, get along with Brandon, not pass judgement (as much as possible anyway), sing and dance to Lady GaGa, and most importantly, be there for me, not because I said so, but because you want to.


Hannah Neville McMillan said...

as much as I love you, I will never like GaGa.... sorry! ;)

Brandon Wilde said...

Doesnt sound too hard, except the getting along with Brandon part. Hes questionable.

Kristi said...

HIIIII... You okay daarlin?