
A date to dream about

One of the best parts about the human mind is that in our own thoughts, in our private little corner of the world - nothing is impossible. I often find myself day dreaming, probably more then the average person. I day dream about a lot of things. Ongoing stories in my life, the "what ifs", but more so then not I day dream about the romantic things. For those of you who know me in real life know I am usually running away from romantic things out of fear for the awkwardness that usually comes with it. But in my own mind? In my own thoughts... the awkwardness is never there.

Do I have your attention yet?

So here is a little peak into one of my day dreams, my perfect date.

It starts off with me in a remote area next to a beach looking out the balcony right around sunset time. I am by the way rocking this outfit...

I'm taking a few moments to breath in the air and take in the warmth of the sunset all around me. I glance over to a clock hanging in the room behind me and see it is time to go downstairs to my table. My date is patently and anxiously awaiting my presence. I walk down the steps that spiral down to see at the bottom this secluded table.

And who is the man standing next to the table smiling at me? Why it's Gerard Butler of course! Wearing this...

Oops! How did that slip in there? That belongs in my other day dream...ahem... my bad. He is really looking like this...

I get a little giddy after seeing his bright smile so I run and jump into his arms... because I can. He hugs me and I smell his cologne (which is to die for, naturally). After sitting down we have sushi for dinner.

We talk about family, traveling, and the latest books we have read. We exchange stories about our dogs, and most of all we both make each other laugh. Before we know it, the sun is gone and dessert is brought out, melted chocolate and cherries.

Of course with a dessert like that you have to feed each other the cherries... and we do. I'll leave your imagination to how that looks. After the chocolate bowl is empty he takes my hand and we walk down the beach, splashing water and getting to know each other more.

Unfortunately the date has to come to an end and he knows exactly when to tell me good night. He walks me to my doorstep and isn't afraid to wrap his arms around me like he means it. As we say our fair wells he kisses me on the cheek and is out of sight before I know it. With a sigh I walk into my house and fall onto my bed reminiscing the perfect night.

And there you have it, the perfect date.

A girl can dream right?


Carrot said...

I love this post! Sign me up for one of these dates!

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

hahaha that was AWESOME! esp. the 300 pic ;)

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

by the way, I just showed that to Neal and he started laughing out loud too!

Shawn said...

Oh, he IS SO FINE!!!! I want to be in your dream sometime! You know, a double date or something?

Tee, hee.

Shannon said...

oooh Gerard Butler...ahhh...so fine!!

HaLaine said...

Oh that's a great picture of him, good heavens. He is a wee bit tasty isn't he?

Brandon Wilde said...

That man is going down. I'm gonna show him who is boss around here.

Enna said...

oh my. i want that date. so hot.

Guereca Family said...

I need that dress :) Where is it from?