
Decisions Decisions

My favorite holiday is right around the corner.

That's right, Halloween.

Normally I have my outfit picked and in the works by now. What can I say? I've been slacking this year. The problem is, I'm not sure what I even want to be this year. Maybe I'll be the...





The Queen of Hearts?

50's Girl?

Princess Belle?

One of the best parts are the accessories too.

Like Queen of hearts shoes? Or a treasure chest purse?

My favorite is this machine gun purse though. Love it!

Well, I need a little help this year. And who better to ask then you all? I mean you have great taste, style, and ideas. Why wouldn't I get your opinion? So what is it going to be this year? On the left side of my blog you can vote.

vote vote vote.

What are you going to be for Halloween?


Unknown said...

rach. those shoes rock. do that.

Shawn said...

Oh----I have to say that I am in love with the gangster! And the purse is great!!

Heather said...

I voted for the queen of hearts because those shoes are so you!!:)

Brandon Wilde said...

Gangster. All the way. But you should still get the queen of heart shoes anyway, because they are hot.